
Out of the Box Test - WebGUI


The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to utilize WebGUI tool to analyze, save, import logs captured by Amari Callbox and UE sim. Once you get familiar with the basic operations of WegGUI, you can use this tutorial as a cheatsheet for various detailed functionality of the WebGUI.

Try your log with the latest Viewer


WebGUI is originally designed to view the collected the log (*.log files) in more user friendly format (in GUI), but the functionality of WebGUI has been evolving greatly, now it is much more than just a log viewer. In addition to viewing the log, it has following additional functionalities and this list would continuously increase. Personally I am always using WebGUI by default whenver I use Callbox or UEsim

NOTE :  The base screenshot in this tutorial is based on 2023-02-15 release. You may see a little bit different items or arrangement of the items from the screenshots shown in this note depending on which release you are using. It is always recommeded to use the latest release available in your extranet.


Table of Contents


Test Setup

If you want just to open up the saved log and alanlyze, you don't need any special hardware configuration. You just need Amarisoft Callbox or UEsim installed with WebGUI package. Or you can use WebGUI even without anything installed on your side. You can remotely use the WebGUI running on Amraisoft via this link . Probably the most common evenrionmen where you use the WebGUI would be something as follow. In this setup, WebGUI server is running on Amarisoft Callbox or UEsim and you are launching WebGUI using Internet browser (e.g, Chrome, Edge, FireFox etc) over LAN or WiFi.


WebGUI 01


Set IP on the call box and Client PC in such a way that they belong to the same subnet. In this tutorial, I configured IP as shown below but you can assign any IP as long as they are in the same subnetwork.

Check on Call Box IP on your Callbox PC and remember the IP. It will be used as Web GUI Server PC you will get access to.  (NOTE : If the Callbox is not configured with any IP, you can configure and assign an IP manually).

OutOfBox WebGUI 02

Check the IP address on WebGUI Client PC. Make it sure that Callbox IP and WebGUI client PC are configured to belong to the same subnet.

OutOfBox WebGUI 03

NOTE : You can use the same setup shown here to control the callbox from an external PC. Personally I am using an External PC (Windows or Linux) both as WebGUI Client PC and Callbox Control PC.  When you want to control/run the Callbox from the external PC, you may use 'ssh' command to get access to the callbox. (In Linux, ssh would be installed by default. In Windows, you can use Putty or Windows Command Line windows for ssh).

NOTE : If you want to connect the external PC (Client PC) to Callbox over WiFi or Company LAN network, refer to the settings in the tutorial : Internet Access.

NOTE :  Do not use the IP address that is in the same subnet as below. These tun interface is used by LTE/NR software and it may cause problems if you use these IPs for remote control purpose.

OutOfBox WebGUI 04



Enabling Logging / Interpretation of Indicators

In this section, I will talk about how to enable / start logging and several usefual indicators (icons).

In most case, when you open the WebGUI while lte service is running, the WebGUI is automatically connected to the lte service and log is being collected, but sometimes the connection might not be done automatically for some reason. You can manually connect / disconnect to each component for logging as shown below.

In Callbox, follow the instruction / comment as shown below. As you see, there are many icons and menus. Some of them are straightfoward and would not need any specific explanation, but some of them may not look clear at the first look but they can be a usefual indicators for various status if you clearly understand what it represent.

OutOfBox WebGUI EnablingLog 01


In UEsim, the same logic applies. For the instruction / comments, see the Callbox screenshot shown above.

OutOfBox WebGUI EnablingLog 02


What if it is not connected ?

Sometimes you may come across the cases where a component is not connected. There can be various reasons behind the issue and there are a few common checkpoint to find the root cause.

The component is not running properly

Check if each component is running problem. If you have problem with a specific component execution, you see the component marked as 'Not connected'. Following is an example.

IP missing OR not properly specified

Check if IP address and port are properly set. Sometimes you may see the case where IP address is empty (not specified at all).

NOTE : If Address field is empty and it is not allowed to type in manually, try this and see if it works.

WebGUI Client PC fails to get access to Server(Callbox or UEsim)

If you are running the WebGUI from different PC than Callbox/UEsim (I think this is the case for the most of users), make it sure that the WebGUI client PC can get access to the server (Callbox or UEsim). Just try ping from the WebGUI PC to server. If ping does not work, you have to fix it and get the client / server connected.


Setup Properties and Get the log

WebGUI can collect an huge amount of imformations with very diverse aspect.  You can choose only those informations that you want instead of collecting every possible data as per your demand. In this section, I will go through how to configure / select the type of information you want to collect.

Launch any type of browser from WebGUI Client PC and type in the IP address of the Callbox as shown below.  (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer / Edge are the ones that I personally have used, but I think any kind of browser can be used).

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 01 230215


Setup ENB Property

If you have the lte service running and refresh the page, you will get the items as shown below.

Now let's take a look at how to set the properties for ENB log.  First, Select [ENB] and hit [Property] tool menu as indicated below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 02 230215

Then you will have a popup as shown below. Once you get the property selection window, you can select the specific payload types and specify the length of each payload. This example shows the property window for eNB/gNB. Every components (e.g, ENB, MME, IMS etc) has its own property window. ENB collects every layers running on RAN side for example PHY, MAC, RLC, RRC, PDCP, NAS and interfaces with core network (e.g, S1AP, NGAP, GTPU etc)

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 03 230215

Once you specified the property as you want and press [Update] button, WebGUI will collect the log as you specified in the property window.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 04 230215


Setup MME Property

Now let's look into how to configure MME property. First, Select [MME] and hit [Property] tool menu as indicated below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 05 230215

Then you will have a popup as shown below. Once you get the property selection window, you can select the specific payload types and specify the length of each payload. This example shows the property window for MME. Every components (e.g, ENB, MME, IMS etc) has its own property window. MME collects various components that comrises 4G/5G core network , various interfaces within the core network (e.g, N8, N12, N13, N17, S13 etc), User data packet (e.g, GTPU, IP) etc.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 06 230215

Once you specified the property as you want and press [Update] button, WebGUI will collect the log as you specified in the property window.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 07 230215


Setup IMS Property

Now let's look into how to configure IMS property. First, Select [IMS] and hit [Property] tool menu as indicated below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 08 230215

Then you will have a popup as shown below. Once you get the property selection window, you can select the specific payload types and specify the length of each payload. This example shows the property window for IMS. Every components (e.g, ENB, MME, IMS etc) has its own property window. IMS collects various traffics related to IMS signaling (e.g, SIP, IMS) and traffics (e.g, MMS, MEDIA etc) .

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 09 230215

Once you specified the property as you want and press [Update] button, WebGUI will collect the log as you specified in the property window

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 10 230215

The final result of the collected log as you selected in property window would be something like below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 11 230215



Change Properties for more detailed log

In addition to just selecting and unselecting a certain item, you can specify the properties of each payload type in more detail. For example, you can specify when to collect the data. For example, you can specify whether you collect every payload or collect only when a certain event happens etc. In this section, I will go through how to specify those details.

NOTE : You can chanage this configuration anytime but if you want to apply this configuration from the start of test(i.e, from the initial attach), you need to configure this and hit [update] before you start test (i.e, before you power on DUT)

Most important details on the property is 'Level' column. It has three options : warn, error, debug. If you set it to 'warn' or 'error', the selected payload is collected only when some warning or error occurs. If it is set to 'debug', the selected payload is always captured.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 12 230215

As an example, if you set 'Level' column to 'debug' as shown below, the every selected payload is collected everytime it is generated.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 13 230215

If every payload is selected and every payload is set to 'debug', you get the full stack log as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Log 14 230215



Saving / Exporting the Log

You can export/save the captured log into files as shown here. ( NOTE : This method does not export the signal (constellation). If you enabled the signal (constellation) and you want to check the constellation later, I would suggest you to save the log as shown in this tip.

OutOfBox Lte Log Export 01

From this what is shown here may be a little bit different from what you see in your setup depending on the type of browser and security settings, Amarisoft software version etc. But you would get the general idea on how it works with no problem.

Depending on the browser type and security setup, you may or may not have a popup asking if you want to allow the file download or not. If you get this popup, allow it.

If you use a little bit older version of Amarisoft software, the file will get downloaded right away as shown at the bottom of the screen. If you are using the latest version, you would get a popup asking you to specify the name of the log file before the download.

OutOfBox Lte Log Export 02

OutOfBox Lte Log Export 03


If download is complete, you will get the files saved in "Download" directory.



Opening  the exported Log

WebGUI can be used not only for capturing and saving the log but also for loading the saved logs and analysis. In this section, I will go through how to load the saved log file.

First, hit [File] button.

OutOfBox Lte Log Import 01

File Browser will pop up. Select the log file and hit [Open]. The log file can be a plain text file or zipped file.

OutOfBox Lte Log Import 02

Then the contents of the log is parsed and displayed as shown below.

OutOfBox Lte Log Import 03



Analysis and Post Process

Once the contents of the log is displayed (regardless of whether it is the result of real time capture or the load from a saved file), you can use various post processing and analysis functionality provided by WebGUI.


UE capability Table

If the log file contains the UE capability Information RRC message. The message is automatically parsed into a more readable text structure. The processed text information can be displayed as tabular format.

Hit [UE Caps] button.

OutOfBox Lte Log Analysis 01

Then all the infromation from UE capability information message is nicely summarized into a tabular structure as shown below.

OutOfBox Lte Log Analysis 02


Throughput Plot

WebGUI provides various types of usefull plots. Most of those graphical analysis is provided by [Analytics] function. Then you will get the Analytics (Statistics) window as below.

Select [Throughput] tab to get the plots for throughput. You would see various items on the left panel.  'Global' plots the aggregated throughput of all the UEs connected to a cell. Under the item 'Global', you would see many of numbered items. That number indicates UE ID. By clicking one of those numbered item, you can plot the throughput a specific UE.

OutOfBox Lte Log Analysis 03

If you hit on [Slot] button, it would show the statistics (KPI) for each slots. For example, if you hit [Slots] on [Throughput] tab, you will get the throughput for each slot.

OutOfBox Lte Log Analysis 04



Rate Analysis shows the coderate for each transmitted and received phy frame and the rate of retransmission (rate of CRC error). Since coderate is one of the factors impacting the difficulties of decoding the received frame, it would help to check if you see any corrlation between the coderate and retransmission.

NOTE : Since there are so many different factors impacting the CRC error rate, this plot does not always shows the correlation, but it can be worth checking.

Sometimes even if you don't see any obvious issues of the coderate and retransmission overtime (i.e, the plot shown above), you may find that the issues (e.g, coderate burst or retransmission burst) happens only in a few specific slots.

NOTE : In this way, you can easily identify the specific slots causing problems, but figuring out the root cause of the problem is different story. There is no automatic way of finding the root cause of the problem.



MCS shows the MCS for the transmitted and received phy frame. By default, it shows average value of MCS over the period specified in 'Average time' field.

Sometimes you may want to see MCS for each and every frames rather than the average value. In this case, check 'Instant' checkbox, you will get both average and instant MCS values (MCS for each PHY frame)



You can plot SNR for PUSCH and PUCCH by selecting [SNR] tab as shown below. Also, you can plot the average SNR for each slot by hitting [Slots] button while [SNR] tab is selected.

OutOfBox Lte Log Analysis 05



Collecting Log from a Specified Server

You can specify a specific server to collect the log from. This is more useful if you want to collect a log from the server running not on the same machine where WebGUI is running, but you can use this functionality regardless of where the server is srunning.

NOTE : In this tutorial, I added two servers for eNB and MME, but you can add more servers in the same way.



Tips : Callbox(gNB/eNB/Core Network)

In this section, I will go over various tips to help you better utilize the detailed functions/features of WebGUI

Enabling BCCH (SIB) logging

To capture SIB information from WebGUI, you can enable BCCH in ENB confiruation as shown below. (NOTE : Once you keep this enabled for the whole test period, it would just keep increasing log file size without giving much of additional information. So in my case, for most of the case I just enable BCCH only for some duration at the beginning of test (e.g, before powering on UE) and then disable (Uncheck) the BCCH collection and perform the test procedure.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips SIB 01 20230215

Set the layer as shown below for the convinience of the log analysis for SIBs and other RRCs.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips SIB 02 20230215

Then click on a specific SIB message you want to look into. The decoded SIB message will show up on the right panel of the window.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips SIB 03 20230215

NOTE : You can enable BCCH logging in configuration file as well by adding bcch=1 option as follows.

OutOfBox WebGui BCCH Config 01

NOTE : You can enable BCCH logging in command promple in screen mode. log bcch=1 enbables BCCH logging. log bcch=0 disables BCCH logging. I personally do bcch=1 and leave it a few sec and do bcch=0 before I power on UE. In this way, I can log BCCH only at the beginning of the log.

OutOfBox WebGui BCCH Screen 01


Enabling MIB logging

You can enable MIB logging as shown below (NOTE : If you don't see this option in your WebGUI, please upgrade callbox software to the latest version)

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips MIB 01 23020215

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips MIB 02 23020215


Enabling full log in eNB/gNB

You can easily enable all the log in eNB/gNB by clicking a single button as follows (You can do fine control of each of the component if you like as explained in the section : Setup Properties and Get the log

NOTE : You can chanage this configuration anytime but if you want to apply this configuration from the start of test(i.e, from the initial attach), you need to configure this and hit [update] before you start test (i.e, before you power on DUT)

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips FullLog eNB 01 20230215

NOTE : If you want to configure the full log in configuration file instead of setting it up in WebGUI, use the following configuration in configuration file.

                    log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=1",


Enabling full log in MME

You can easily enable all the log in MME by clicking a single button as follows (You can do fine control of each of the component if you like as explained in the section : Setup Properties and Get the log

NOTE : You can chanage this configuration anytime but if you want to apply this configuration from the start of test(i.e, from the initial attach), you need to configure this and hit [update] before you start test (i.e, before you power on DUT)

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips FullLog MME 01 20230215

NOTE : If you want to configure the full log in configuration file instead of setting it up in WebGUI, use the following configuration in configuration file.

                    log_options: "all.level=debug,all.max_size=1",


Enabling full log in IMS

You can easily enable all the log in IMS by clicking a single button as follows (You can do fine control of each of the component if you like as explained in the section : Setup Properties and Get the log

NOTE : You can chanage this configuration anytime but if you want to apply this configuration from the start of test(i.e, from the initial attach), you need to configure this and hit [update] before you start test (i.e, before you power on DUT)

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips FullLog IMS 01 20230215


Capture and Display Corenetwork Interfaces

You can enable and capture various core network interfaces by checking items underlined below. (NOTE : The list of the interfaces being captured by Amarisoft Product tend to get larger as newer release came out. So it is always recommended to use the latest software release if you want to get the latest list).

NOTE : You can chanage this configuration anytime but if you want to apply this configuration from the start of test(i.e, from the initial attach), you need to configure this and hit [update] before you start test (i.e, before you power on DUT)

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips CN interface 01 20230215

Once the log is captured, you can filter out the specific network interfaces if you want.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips CN interface 02


Launching Screen Window within WebGUI

You can launch a lte screen window within WebGUI and control the callbox from WebGUI.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips ScreenWindow 01


Displaying UE Capability Information Table

If the log contains UE capability Information message, [UE Caps] button is activated. Click on [UE Caps] button and you will get the UE capability Information in a tabular format.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips UECapability 01

The contents of UE capability information message will be summarized in tabular format as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips UECapability 02


Tx gain and Rx Gain Change

If you are using the WebGUI while it is connected to a running eNB/gNB, you can change the TX power and RX power by changing tx_gain and rx_gain directly from the GUI as shown below.

Hit [ENB] tab and select eNB icon, then you will bet RF configuration popup as shown below. You can increase or decrease tx_gain or rx_gain by clicking on [+] / [-] icon.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips Tx Rx Gain 01


Analyze Constellation

You can plot the constellation of the received physical traffic. In case of ENB log, the received physical traffic is PUSCH and in case of UEsim, the received physical traffic is PDSCH. In other words, in Callbox WebGUI this function plots the constellation of PUSCH and in UEsim WebGUI this function plots the constellation of PDSCH.

In order to plot the constellation, first you need to enable the capture of the phy signal by selecting 'Signal' option on ENB configuration window as shown below. If you enable PHY signal capture, the captured data will be saved in a separate file with the name of *.bin.  Don't forget to store both *.log and *.bin file if you want to plot the constellation later.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips Constellation 01

Once the PHY signal capture is enabled, you can get the constellation of the received signal by hitting [Constellation] button as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips Constellation 02

NOTE : When you have the log with constellation, you should be careful with backing up the log. With the signal (constellation) enabled, you will see both enb0.log (gnb0.log) and corresponding binary file as shown below.  Zip both of the files together to get the constellation later. If you don't have *.bin file, you can still see import and check the log later but the constellation cannot be reproduced.

OutOfBox WebGUI Tips Constellation 03

NOTE : *.bin file stores binary data only for the received physical channel for user data (i.e, PDSCH and PDSCH DMRS when collected on UEsim, PUSCH and PUSCH DMRS when collected in Callbox(gNB/eNB). The channel response is the result of post processing of DMRS as explained in Analyze Channel Response , these channel response result is not saved in the file.

NOTE :  *.bin file does not have any meta data that is required to decode *.bin file. Those meta data is saved in *.log file. In order to retrieve the PDSCH/PUSCH and DMRS, you need to use the meta data saved in *.log file which is something like this


01:59:06.311 [PHY] UL 0001 01 4601  929.18 PUSCH: harq=2 prb=2:47 symb=0:14 CW0: tb_len=2370 mod=4 rv_idx=0 cr=0.65 retx=0 crc=OK snr=16.0 epre=-83.3 ta=0.1 re_symb=564,564,282,564,564,564,564,564,564,564,564,282,564,564 chan_symb=2,11

        Link: re@4364472

        Link: chan@4393812

re_symb, chan_sym, Link:re, Link:chan are the meta data indicating the start position of PDSCH, PUSCH, DMRS and re_symb is the number of symbols for PDSCH, PUSCH and chan_symb is the symbol number where DMRS is transmitted.

NOTE : the *.bin data is mainly for internal purpose to let WebGUI to display constellation and channel response in graphics, it is not originally designed for users. So the details about the meta data and how to process the binary is not documented.


Analyze Channel Response

You can get the various analysis result of UL channel as shown below (NOTE : If you don't get this option in your WebGUI, I would suggest to upgrade your software to the latest release).

Basically Channel Constellation, Channel Norm/Phase, Channel Impulse Responser shows the same data in different perspective. Followings are some highlights on how these are plotted.


NOTE :  Since this is Callbox log (eNB, gNB), you can see the channel analysis only for UL channels. If you want to get the channel information for DL (e.g, PDSCH), you need to check on UEsim log.

First, enable Signal option to capture PHY signal data.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULChannelAnalysis 01

Select the reciever physical channel constellation (PUSCH Channel Constellation in this case). This plots the constellation of DMRS (PUSCH DMRS in this case). You can plot the DMRS for each DMRS symbol and antenna port.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULChannelAnalysis 02

You can plot the phase and amiplitude of the channel response by selecting on PUSCH (or PDSCH) Norm/Phase tab.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULChannelAnalysis 03

You can plot the PUSCH/PDSCH channel impulse response (FFT of PUSCH/PDSCH channel norm/phase) by selecting [PUSCH Channel Impulse Response] tab.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULChannelAnalysis 04


Checking UL Power

You can check EPRE of each UL channel in the trace log print. This is not mandatory, but it would be easier to check if you select the only PHY channels and signal in Info field as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULpower 01

You can plot the UL EPRE for a specific UE as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULpower 02

If you are using the Amari software release later than 2022-02-10, you can plot SRS in addition to UL data (PUSCH), UL control (PUCCH) as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips ULpower 03


Plotting TPC command values

You can plot the TPC command specified in each DCI by selecting [TPC] tab as shown below. The solid line is moving average of the sequence of TPC command value and the dots are TPC command value in each DCI.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips TPC


CRC Error Check with RB Map

You can visually check CRC error in RB map as shown below. The PDSCH/PUSCH with No CRC error is plotted in solid background and PDSCH/PUSCH with CRC error is plotted in hashed background.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips CRC 01


BWP Switching Verification

If you configured the multiple BWPs by wide bandwidth difference or large location difference in frequency domain, RB map would be useful to verify bwp switching.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips BwpSwitchVerification 01

From trace log, you may verify bwp switching in DCI field.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips BwpSwitchVerification 02

If you are doing the bwp switch with high data rate, you may use throughput difference as bwp switching indicator.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips BwpSwitchVerification 03


Enabling CSI Decoding

To enable CSI decoding, you need to add phy.csi=1 option in enb.cfg log options as shown below (As of now, WebGUI Property Window does not provide options to enable this on the GUI, so you need to add this option in the configuration file).

NOTE : If this option does not work, upgrade your software to the latest release.

OutOfBox WebGUI CSI 01

Then you would get the Info item 'CSI' which shows the decoded CSI report (NOTE : The CSI field in PUCCH/PUSCH still printed non-decoded)

OutOfBox WebGUI CSI 02


Finding the cause of RRC Release

You can find the cause of RrcRelease from the log.

To do this, make it sure that you enabled NGAP log as shown below

OutOfBox WebGUI RrcRelease Cause 01

Look into UE context release request and UE context release command message to check the cause of the release.

OutOfBox WebGUI RrcRelease Cause 02

You can confirm the same thing on UE context release command message as well.

OutOfBox WebGUI RrcRelease Cause 03


PHY Scheduling Analysis

What I want to show you here is how to analyze the downlink and uplink scheduling for PHY layer. To do this, you need to collect the low layer (I want to suggest you to enable full stack log if you want to analyze on this kind of details).

NOTE : You can do this kind of analysis on the fly (in real time while you are testing) when the throughput is not that high, but when you flowing high throughput (like max throughput test) I would suggest you to collect the log without WebGUI , save the log and postprocess the log in WebGUI afterwords since collecting log in WebGUI in very high throughput condition would impact the performance or some of the log may get lost)

This is not mandatory, but it would be helpful to filter the PHY channel that you are interested in before you analyze it.  

Select PHY in Layer dropdown box.

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 01

Select the physical channels that you are interested in from Info dropdown box. In this case, I selected PDCCH, PUCCH, PUSCH, PDSCH

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 02

You can check out NR UL Grant by clicking on dci=0_1 or dci=0_0 and looking into the contents and meta data of the channel.

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 03

You can check out NR UL Grant by clicking on dci=1_1 or dci=1_0 and looking into the contents and meta data of the channel.

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 04

If you click on PUSCH channel, you can get the meta data (e.g, scheduled PRBs, scheduled symbols, modulation scheme etc) for PUSCH.

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 05

If you click on PDSCH channel, you can get the meta data (e.g, scheduled PRBs, scheduled symbols, modulation scheme etc) for PDSCH.

OutOfBox WebGUI PhySchedulingAnalysis 06


Description on PHY Info

Followings are the descriptions on the fields within PHY log :



Tips : UEsim

The tips here is for the WebGUI on UEsim. We use the same WebGUI program for both callbox and UEsim. So overall usage and look-and-feel is same on both Callbox and UEsim. There would only be minor differences in terms of contents of log prints.


Checking DL Power

For easy checking (not required), filter DL Physical channels and check epre power from the trace log print (For now, only PDSCH epre is printed in the log)

OutOfBox WebGui Tips UEsim DLpower 01

You can make plot for the PDSCH power epre and snr as shown below.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips UEsim DLpower 02


Plotting TPC command vlaues

You can plot the TPC command specified in each DCI by selecting [TPC] tab as shown below. The solid line is moving average of the sequence of TPC command value and the dots are TPC command value in each DCI.

OutOfBox WebGui Tips UEsim TPC 01




When you have trouble in getting access to webgui, you may try followings


Check if http service is running OK

: Check if httpd.service is running OK. Following is an example showing the case of httpd service operating properly. If it does not run properly, you may get some errors or warnings that would help troubleshoot.

OutOfBox WebGui Troubleshoot httpstatus 01


Restart Service

: Try restart the httpd using following command

Check if the service is ruuning OK


Check Out Error Contents

If you get 'failure' of running the httpd server, you would get something like below. In many cases, you may find some hints for the root cause of the failure. In this specific example, I got an important hints saying "DocumentRoot '/var/www/html' is not a directory or is not readable. In my case, it turned out that the html directory in /var/www was deleted somehow and I just created the html directory there. It solved problem. However, this is only an example and you may have different root cause for the failure. You may continue to troubleshoot until the problem is resolved.

NOTE : If you managed to troubleshoot the problem and httpd is running OK, it would be safe to reinstall the Amarisoft installation package again so that it add proper configuration for WebGUI.


Reinstall Packages

:  If all the manual troubleshooting mentioned above fails, you may reinstall the apache server as described below.

Remove the existing httpd service and intall it again using follows commands

Start the httpd service

NOTE : If the httpd is running OK, it would be safe to reinstall the Amarisoft installation package again so that it add proper configuration for WebGUI.