
LTE Callbox mini User guide
version 2024-10-17*
This document is based on the latest test release.
Features may not be present in your current installed software. You may check their availability in your release documentation.
If you require an up to date release, ask for it in a ticket.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

AMARI Callbox Mini is a 3GPP compliant eNodeB, gNodeB EPC and 5GC allowing functional and performance testing of LTE, LTE-M and NB-IoT devices. It also includes an integrated IMS server as well as an eMBMS gateway for VoLTE and eMBMs testing.


The callbox mini is a turnkey solution running on Fedora 39 operating system. It embeds one SDR card and all software components and licenses required to emulate your LTE network.

This document describes the first steps to start and configure your Amarisoft LTE Callbox. For advanced configurations and testing, please refer to the application notes and other documents available under or under the /root/<components>/doc/ folders of your callbox.

2 Hardware setup

2.1 Power supply

Plug the external power adapter provided with the callbox in the DC-in Connector located in the right corner of the rear panel and press the Power on button on the front panel to turn it on.

Power adapter specifications:
Input: 100~240 V AC, 50~60 Hz, max. 2.5A
Output: Output: 19.5 V DC, max. 9.23 A, max. 180 W output wattage

2.2 Sim card

The callbox is delivered with a test sim card that is already provisioned in the EPC database. No additional configuration is required for authenticating devices using this SIM card.

SIM card specifications:

It is possible to use and provision different SIM cards for your testing. In that case please See Provisioning of new SIM cards for more details

2.3 Wireless RF connection

When running test over the air, connect the four LTE antennas provided with the callbox to the SMA connectors (TX1, RX1, TX2, RX2) located on the rear panel of the callbox.


2.4 Wired RF connection

When running test in conducted mode, first thing to do is to connect the callbox correctly to the device as described in the following sections.
Each SDR card has two RX and two TX SMA connectors plus one GPS connector.

Note: When using RF combiners, unused ports of the combiners must be terminated with RF terminator or absorber especially when using frequency above 2.5Ghz. Otherwise big insertionlosses may happen and downgrade the RF performances.

2.4.1 RF connection for one cell 2x2 MIMO in FDD mode


Note: For SISO test, connection between DUT antenna2 and Callbox Tx2 is not required

2.4.2 RF connection for one cell 2x2 MIMO in TDD mode


Note: in TDD mode, as both TX and RX are sent on the same channel, only TX1 and TX2 ports are needed.
However, with Amarisoft SDR card, it’s possible to force the DL signal reception on RX port and Uplink signal transmission on TX port when rx_antenna: "rx" is set in the RF driver configuration file.
This improves the performance of the SDR card as we don’t have to switch the RF several times per radio frame.

When rx_antenna: "rx" is set, RF connection is the same as for FDD.

2.4.3 RF Antenna gain

In conducted mode, TX and RX gains must be adjusted according to your setup. See TX/RX gain setting for more details.

3 Connection to AMARI callbox

3.1 Locally

You can connect locally to your callbox by connecting a monitor and a keyboard to the PC.
To login as root, please use root / toor as login / password.

There is also a user account with user/resu as login/password.

Note: The Amarisoft software suit is installed and executed under root account.

3.2 Remotely

The Ethernet interface of the callbox is configured with DHCP. If you know the IP address allocated to your callbox, you can directly make a SSH connection in Linux by typing

ssh root@<IP address>

or by using PuTTY on Windows.

If you don’t know the IP address of the callbox, then you need to access the PC locally first (see above) and type the following command to retrieve the IP address of the PC.


3.3 Web GUI

The web GUI to display logs is available through web access at the following URL:
http://<IP address>/

3.3.1 Set a password

To add authentication to the web portal:

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd/conf and look for <Directory "/var/www/html"> section.
Inside it, add AuthConfig to AllowOverride directive so that it becomes AllowOverride None AuthConfig.

Then restart HTTP daemon:

service httpd restart

Create /var/www/html/lte/.htaccess file with following content:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Amarisoft Web GUI"
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

To add a user and its password, type the following command:

htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/.htpasswd <username>

4 LTE service

Callbox is configured to provide an automatic LTE service. At each reboot of the PC, LTE network is turned on automatically.

Note that even if the service is named "LTE" it actually serves both Radio access technologies: 4G LTE and 5G NR

4.1 Manage LTE automatic service

4.1.1 Status

You can check the LTE service status this way:

service lte status

The command will return "active (running)" status if service is running

4.1.2 Stop

You can stop all LTE components this way:

service lte stop

4.1.3 Start

You can start them again this way:

service lte start

4.1.4 Disable

You may also prevent them to start at boot time:

systemctl disable lte

NB: lte service remains enable until next reboot
NB2: this command is not available on Ubuntu version <= 14

4.1.5 Enable

You may enable service at boot time this way:

systemctl enable lte

NB: lte service remains disable until next reboot
NB2: this command is not available on Ubuntu version <= 14

5 eNodeB configuration

5.1 Selection of eNodeB configuration file

The default file used by the lte automatic service for configuring the eNodeB component is enb.cfg (available under /root/enb/config directory).
This file aims to set eNodeB parameters such as frequency, cell bandwidth, number of layer and others.

Please note that this file is a symbolic link to real configuration file as depicted below


Some examples of configuration file (for nb-iot, cat-M1 or Carrier aggregation as instance) are provided in Amarisoft releases as a starting point.
To change the eNodeb configuration and select one of these files, update the enb.cfg symbolic link using the "ln -sfn <config file> enb.cfg" command

Default configuration eNodeb is one LTE Cell, 20MHz cell bandwidth, MIMO mode

5.2 Customization of eNodeB parameters

Once eNodeB configuration file has been selected (as a starting point), you can now edit it and customize key parameters such as:

All parameters available are described in the lteenb.pdf document.

You will also find a generic enb.default.cfg file that can be easily tuned using the #defines in the header

#define TDD                 0 // Values: 0 (FDD), 1(TDD)
#define N_RB_DL             25 // Values: 6 (1.4 MHz), 15 (3MHz), 25 (5MHz), 50 (10MHz), 75 (15MHz), 100 (20MHz)
#define N_ANTENNA_DL        1 // Values: 1 (SISO), 2 (MIMO 2x2)
#define N_ANTENNA_UL        1 // Values: 1, 2
#define CHANNEL_SIM         0 // Values: 0 (channel simulator disabled), 1 (channel simulator enabled)

For example, to configure a 20mhz MIMO TDD cell, just set the #defines this way:

#define TDD                 1 
#define N_RB_DL             100 
#define N_ANTENNA_DL        2 
#define N_ANTENNA_UL        1 
#define CHANNEL_SIM         0 

5.3 TX/RX gain setting

TX and RX antenna gain values must be customized in order to avoid saturation when set too high or Bler when set too low. Those two values actually depend on your setup:

TX and RX gain values are defined in RF configuration file located under /root/enb/config/rf_driver directory.
To know which files is used by LTE service, just look at enb.cfg file.

 include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",

5.3.1 Wired test

When the device under test is connected through RF cable to the eNodeb, the recommended RX and TX antenna gain values are :

tx_gain: 60.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 0.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

If physical RF attenuators (or RF combiners) are used, additional gain must be added to these default values equivalent to the path loss introduced

Note: max SDR input is -10 dBm, max SDR output is 5dBm (depending on the frequency).

5.3.2 Wireless test

In Wireless test conditions (i.e when LTE antenna are used), the recommended RX and TX antenna gain values are :

tx_gain: 90.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 60.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

6 Core network configuration

LTEMME is a LTE MME (Mobility Management Entity) implementation. It has a built-in SGW (Serving Gateway), PGW (Packet Data Network Gateway), PCRF (Policy and Charging Rule Function), HSS (Home Subscriber Server) and EIR (Equipment Identity Register). It is used with the Amarisoft LTE eNodeB and NR gNodeB to build a highly configurable LTE/NR test network.
LTEMME also includes a NR 5GC (5G Core Network). It has a build-in AMF (Access and Mobility Management Function), AUSF (Authentication Server Function), SMF (Session Management Function), UPF (User Plane Function).

6.1 Selection of MME configuration file

The default file used by the lte automatic service for configuring the Core network is mme.cfg (available under /root/mme/config directory).
This file aims to set parameters such as PLMN ID, network name, PDN list, APN name and others.

Note: Both EPC and 5GC are built in the same component named mme (for legacy reason).

Please note that this file is a symbolic link to real configuration file as depicted below


6.2 Customization of MME parameters

6.2.1 PLMN ID

Default PLMN ID of callbox is 001 01.

If the test sim card provided with the AMARI callbox is used, you can skip this section. No customization is required

If your test SIM card has a different HPLMN, you can change the PLMN of the box.

in /root/mme/config/mme.cfg file, change plmn: "00101" value and replace 00101 by your MCC/MNC code .

Note : Same modification must be done at eNodeB/gNodeB side:
In /root/enb/config/enb.cfg file, modify or add a new MCC/MNC value in the plmn_list array.

6.2.2 Adding new SIM card to the database

If the test sim card provided with the AMARI callbox is used, you can skip this section. No customization is required.
Same if you want to connect multiple UE using the same sim card model (and same IMSI by consequence). The MME will allow each UE to attach with the same IMSI (001010123456789).UE are distinguished with their IMEI in that case.

Otherwise, if other test SIM cards with different IMSI or secret key values are used, they must be declared in the EPC database (HSS)

For that, open the /root/mme/config/ue_db-ims.cfg and add an entry for each sim card in the ue_db array . Example :

    sim algo: "milenage",
    imsi: "001010000000001",
    opc: "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F",
    amf: 0x9001,
    sqn: "000000000000",
    K: "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF",

Note: Secret key parameters are mandatory as both UE and Network need to authenticate each other .

6.2.3 Commercial SIM card

Any SIM card can be used with the AMARI callbox as long as it’s been declared in the UE database as described in the section above.

However, it is very unlikely that you get the secret key parameters from the network operator required for the authentication and the security mechanism.
In that case, you can try to disable the authentication using one of the two methods described below (note that this no more complies with 3GPP specifications, so it requires an explicit support on the UE side also):

1) If the UE accepts the use of EIA0 (Null Integrity algorithm) in the NAS/RRC security mode control procedures outside of an emergency call without authentication, then set the following option in your MME configuration file:

    authentication_mode: "skip",

2) If you know the command at UE side to skip both the authentication and security mode control procedures, then set the following options in your MME configuration file:

    authentication_mode: "skip",
    skip_smc_proc: true,

and set the following option in your eNB configuration file (eNB configuration object, not the cell configuration object)

    skip_smc_proc: true,

6.2.4 APN configuration

MME is configured by default with four APN :

  1. Default
  2. Internet
  3. IMS
  4. SOS

For connecting your device to the callbox, one of these APN must be configured at UE side. See UE configuration for more details.
Otherwise, if for any reason, the device under test must use a specific APN, the modification can be done at MME side:

  1. Open /root/mme/config/mme.cfg file.
  2. Replace the preconfigured "internet" APN name as instance with the expected APN name or create a new entry in the pdn_list array.
  3. Restart the system with "service lte restart" command

6.3 VoLTE call

AMARI Callbox embeds an IMS server that can be used for running basic IMS tests such as VoLTE, ViLTE or SMS over IMS. For more information about the IMS functionality, please refer to appnote_ims.pdf document .
Also, See VoLTE setting for more details about UE configuration.

7 UE configuration

7.1 Internet setting

For connecting your device to internet, APN setting must be configured at UE side to match callbox setting.

As described in previous section, the callbox is preconfigured with four APN :

AT UE side, go in setting menu to add a new APN:
Example on Samsung S5 device:


7.2 VoLTE setting

If handset supports VoLTE, you just need to check VoLTE Call is ticked on your handset menu as depicted in the picture below.
However, most of the commercial devices are locked and behave differently. Some devices have a white list of authorized PLMN, some require that "UE operation mode" byte is set to "type approval operations" in USIM Elementary File Administrative Data(EFad). To overcome this issue, a reference UE can be provided by Amarisoft . Please contact support team for more details.


8 Monitoring

Once all eNodeb/gNodeB and MME parameters have been configured, you can restart the lte service with service lte restart command to reload the configuration files and connect your device(s).

To monitor your eNodeB/gNodeB/EPC or troubleshoot any issues, several tools and logs are available as described in the following sections.

8.1 Access to software monitors

Once you are logged on your callbox, you can access software components (eNB, MME, IMS or MBMSGW) using screen command:

screen -x lte

This will connect you to different component monitor.


Next sections show you basic methods. For more information please refer to screen documentation (

8.1.1 Select component

Each component monitor is inside a window. You can switch from a window to another with the command:

ctrl+a <window index>

Where window index is:

Note: press simultaneously CTRL key and a key, release them, then press number key.

You can also switch to next window:

ctrl+a <space>

Each component screen offers a list of commands that can be used either to get status or trigger action. Each of them are documented in the component documentations (example lteenb.pdf) or inline with the "help" command


8.1.2 Exit screen

ctrl+a d

8.2 Command line monitor

In eNB component, t command provides key logging information (See the list of parameter using t help command.

8.2.1 t command

t command (without argument) provides key information about the Uplink and downlink transfer

(enb) t
Press [return] to stop the trace
               ----DL----------------------- ----UL---------------------------------------------------
UE_ID  CL RNTI C cqi ri  mcs retx txok brate C  snr puc1  nl  mcs rxko rxok brate     #its phr  pl   ta
    3 001 003f 1  15  2 28.0    0  202  151M 1 15.6 11.9 1.0 20.0    0    1 8.40k  1/1.0/1  40  59  0.0
    3 001 003f 1  15  2 28.0    0 4000  149M 1 15.7 12.8 1.0 20.0    0   25 10.5k  1/1.0/1  40  59  0.0
    3 001 003f 1  15  2 28.0    0 4000  150M 1 14.7 13.0 1.0 20.0    0   25 10.5k  1/1.0/1  40  59  0.0
    3 001 003f 1  15  2 28.0    0 4000  149M 1 16.1 11.2 1.0 20.0    0   25 10.5k  1/1.0/1  40  59  0.0
    3 001 003f 1  15  2 28.0    0 4000  150M 1 15.5 11.0 1.0 20.0    0   25 10.5k  1/1.0/1  40  59  0.0

Where for downlink:

Where for uplink:

8.2.2 t spl command

Once UE got attached to the cell, Uplink and Downlink signal levels have a direct impact on decoding performances. In order to reach full throughput in both ways, TX and RX antenna gain values must be set correctly (as described in section "TX/RX gain setting") in order to avoid saturation when set too high or Bler when set too low. The command “t spl” under eNB terminal helps to monitor the RX and TX signal power:

(enb) t spl
Press [return] to stop the trace
--P0/TX 1-- --P1/TX 2-- dBFS --P0/RX 1-- --P1/RX 2--
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -8.3    0 -42.7 -30.4 -42.7 -30.4
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -8.4    0 -42.7 -30.5 -42.7 -29.7
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -7.9    0 -42.7 -30.2 -42.7 -29.8
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -8.4    0 -42.7 -30.4 -42.6 -29.7
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -8.4    0 -42.7 -30.8 -42.7 -30.2
-24.6  -7.7 -24.6  -8.4    0 -42.7 -30.4 -42.7 -30.5
-24.6  -7.2 -24.6  -8.3    0 -42.7 -30.7 -42.7 -30.5

TX columns provides information about transmitted signal power.

RX columns provides information about received signal power.

In Wireless test conditions, the recommended values for PCIe SDR cards are :

tx_gain: 90.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 60.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

In RF cables test conditions, the recommended values for PCIe SDR cards are :

tx_gain: 60.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 00.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

Note : tx_gain and rx_gain commands can be used in eNB screen to decrease or increase the TX gain and RX gain respectively

8.2.3 t cpu command

t cpu command provides key information about the CPU load .This is useful for verifying that PC is not running out of CPU when expected KPI are not reached.

-Proc-  ---RX--------   ---TX--------   ---- TX/RX diff (ms)
   CPU    MS/s    CPU     MS/s    CPU    min/avg/max sigma
51.8%   23.040   6.6%   23.040   1.6%   2.23/2.8/3.3 0.2
52.9%   23.040   6.6%   23.039   1.6%   1.97/2.8/3.3 0.2
52.3%   23.040   6.6%   23.041   1.5%   2.20/2.8/3.3 0.2
51.4%   23.040   6.6%   23.040   1.6%   2.20/2.8/3.3 0.2
50.8%   23.040   6.6%   23.039   1.6%   2.19/2.8/3.3 0.2

t cpu shows CPU consumption for the main LTE task (Proc), the reception chain (RX) or transmission chain (TX). Units are MS/s (Million of sample per second)

On top of that, t cpu command provides information on TX-RX delay: The min, average and max values are given in milliseconds.
In other words, in LTE FDD mode as instance, eNodeB receives data in Uplink and must acknowledge (or nack) them 4ms later to the UE. eNodeB has by consequence 4ms to decode the uplink samples and send the ack/nack answer in downlink. The RX/TX delay is the remaining time before data are processed and time they must be sent in downlink.
If this value decreases to zero, this means that PC is too slow and physical layer is running out of CPU to process the data within this period. The higher is the TX/RX value is , the better it is.

8.3 logging

eNodeB/gNodeB and MME generate log files under /tmp/ directory (enb0.log/gnb0.log, ims.log and mme.log) that could be used for further analysis and debugging.
The verbosity if these logs can be customized by modifying the log_options field available in the enb.cfg and mme.cfg configuration files (See lteenb.pdf or ltemme.pdf for more details).

Note: We recommend to activate physical layer debug traces by adding phy.level=debug in your enb.cfg config file.

8.4 Real time logging

The LTE web interface allows to analyze Amarisoft LTE software logs and get real time information from the system.
For more details about the Graphical user interface please refer to ltewww.pdf document available under Extranet.


9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Amarisoft Wiki page

A wiki page is available under It aims to answer frequently asked questions and provide useful information regarding the configuration of the Callbox. Before raising a ticket or analysing logs, do not hesitate to have a look at this wiki page.

9.2 Amarisoft Support

If you encounter issues with your setup and can’t find the root cause in the wiki page or after investigation of the logs, you can raise a ticket through our support web portal. See for more details .

10 Software Upgrade

To upgrade your callbox with the latest release, please follow the procedure:

10.1 Rollback a release

It is possible to rollback or swap from different software releases easily.
If you go under /root folder and enter "ll" command, you will see that each component (enb, mme, trx_sdr, etc..) is actually a symbolic link to a folder that correspond to a release. After each release installation, a new folder is created and the symbolic link is updated.

11 Throughput tests

For testing data throughput and reach the maximum uplink and downlink bitrate, please refer to the appnote_throughput.pdf document