
NB IoT (standalone) - UEsim


The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to do basic connectivity test between a UEsim and Amari Callbox with LTE NB in standalone Mode. NB IoT is designed to use the bandwidth 200khz which is single LTE RB(180khz) plus a little bit of guardband. It can be deployed in a few different operation mode called Inband, Guardband, Standalone mode as illustrated below.

LTE NB Inband UEsim Overview 01

Source : Sharetechnote


On top of the operation mode, there are a few additional features depending on operation mode.

This tutorial is based on the configuration for standalone mode.



Table of Contents



Test Setup


Test setup for this tutorial is as shown below.

TestSetup Callbox UEsim 1sdr 01





An important thing in using UE sim is to do proper matching between UE sim configuration and Call box configuration In this tutorial, I used the ue-nbiot-standalone.cfg and and enb-nbiot-standalone.cfg without any change

If you use other Network (e.g, other network simulator or real network), you have to make it sure to configure UE sim according to the settings on network side

LTE NB standalone UEsim Config 01

LTE NB standalone UEsim Config 02

LTE NB Inband UEsim Config 03

You would see following in /root/mme/config/ims-ims.cfg file on Callbox

LTE NB Inband UEsim Config 04

Following is the contents of "ue_db-ims.cfg" on Callbox.

LTE NB Inband UEsim Config 06

In this tutorial, following SIM information will be used. this is the configuration in ue-nbiot-standalone.cfg on UEsim.  

LTE NB Inband UEsim Config 05


Following is the configuration on Callbox (enb-nbiot-standalone.cfg)

LTE NB standalone UEsim Config 07

Following is the configuration on UEsim (ue-nbiot-standalone.cfg)

LTE NB standalone UEsim Config 08



Check if LTE service is Running


Whatever you want to test, the first thing you need to do is that call box program (LTE Service) is running. You can check on the execution status of the call box program by running following command and you should get the result as shown below

OutOfBox UeSim LteServiceStatus 01

OutOfBox UeSim LteServiceStatus 02

NOTE : Getting this result is pre-requisite for Call Box Operation, but this result itself does not guarantee the normal operation. If you see some unexpected issues. You may restart the call box with following command



Getting into Screen Mode


If it is confirmed that the lte service is running, go to screen mode by running 'screen -r' and follow through the steps as shown below. The steps shown here is the procedure that you would use for almost every test and it is highly recommended to get familiar with these steps. For further commands you can use in this screen mode, refer to the tutorial : Command Line Command


Run following command on UE sim

LTE CatM1 UEsim Run 01

You will get the screen as shown below

LTE NB standalone UEsim Run 02

Run following command on Callbox

LTE CatM1 UEsim Run 03

You will get the screen as shown below

LTE NB standalone UEsim Run 04



Attach UE


Now perform UE attach procedure. This would be a little bit busy process since you need to switch back and forth between Callbox screen and UEsim screen.

Start tracing on Callbox

LTE CatM1 UEsim Run 05

power_on UE on UE sim.

LTE CatM1 UEsim Run 06

You will see following message once UE detect the cell and decoded SIBs.

LTE CatM1 UEsim Run 07

Once UE completed SIB decoding and perform initial attach, you will see following trace on Callbox screen.

LTE NB Inband UEsim Run 03

When the initial attach completed, you can check on the cell information to which the UE sim is registered to with 'cells' command.

LTE NB standalone UEsim Run 05

You can get the ue information that is in connection with gNB on Callbox with 'ue' command in (enb) screen.

LTE NB standalone UEsim Run 06

You can get the ue information that is in connection with gNB on Callbox with 'ue' command in (mme) screen.

LTE NB standalone UEsim Run 07



Log Analysis

Sample Log

In this section, you will see how to confirm if UE registration is complete from trace log. You can use the same method to find any issues (e.g, registration failure) for troubleshooting. When UE registration fails, you may use this tutorial to figure out the point of the failure and troubleshoot

NOTE : This section is just to check quickly some important points in the log, but it may be a little bit tricky to do the detailed log analysis (especially for lower layer log analysis). In that case, I strongly recommend you to use WebGUI for the log analysis. You may refer to WebGUI Tutorial


Open /tmp/ue0.log on UEsim using any text editor. I am using nano in this tutorial. (NOTE : In the same way, you can check eNB log by opening /tmp/enb0.log on Callbox).

LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 01


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 02


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 03


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 04

LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 05

LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 06


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 07


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 08


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 09


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 10


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 11


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 12


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 13


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 14


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 15


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 16


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 17


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 18


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 19


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 20


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 21


LTE NB standalone UEsim Log 22




RRC / NAS Signaling




: This is the SIB1 sent by  eNB to configiture NB IoT (NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)



  message c1: systemInformationBlockType1-r13: {

    hyperSFN-MSB-r13 '01'H,

    cellAccessRelatedInfo-r13 {

      plmn-IdentityList-r13 {







    cellSelectionInfo-r13 {



    p-Max-r13 10,

    freqBandIndicator-r13 7,

    eutraControlRegionSize-r13 n3,

    nrs-CRS-PowerOffset-r13 dB0,

    schedulingInfoList-r13 {


        si-Periodicity-r13 rf128,

        si-RepetitionPattern-r13 every2ndRF,

        sib-MappingInfo-r13 {


        si-TB-r13 b208



    si-WindowLength-r13 ms160,

    systemInfoValueTagList-r13 {







: This is the SIB2 sent by  eNB to configiture NB IoT (NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)



  message c1: systemInformation-r13: {

    criticalExtensions systemInformation-r13: {

      sib-TypeAndInfo-r13 {

        sib2-r13: {

          radioResourceConfigCommon-r13 {

            rach-ConfigCommon-r13 {

              preambleTransMax-CE-r13 n10,

              powerRampingParameters-r13 {

                powerRampingStep dB2,

                preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104


              rach-InfoList-r13 {


                  ra-ResponseWindowSize-r13 pp5,

                  mac-ContentionResolutionTimer-r13 pp32




            bcch-Config-r13 {

              modificationPeriodCoeff-r13 n64


            pcch-Config-r13 {

              defaultPagingCycle-r13 rf128,

              nB-r13 oneT,

              npdcch-NumRepetitionPaging-r13 r1


            nprach-Config-r13 {

              nprach-CP-Length-r13 us66dot7,

              nprach-ParametersList-r13 {


                  nprach-Periodicity-r13 ms80,

                  nprach-StartTime-r13 ms32,

                  nprach-SubcarrierOffset-r13 n0,

                  nprach-NumSubcarriers-r13 n12,

                  nprach-SubcarrierMSG3-RangeStart-r13 twoThird,

                  maxNumPreambleAttemptCE-r13 n10,

                  numRepetitionsPerPreambleAttempt-r13 n1,

                  npdcch-NumRepetitions-RA-r13 r8,

                  npdcch-StartSF-CSS-RA-r13 v4,

                  npdcch-Offset-RA-r13 zero




            npdsch-ConfigCommon-r13 {

              nrs-Power-r13 0


            npusch-ConfigCommon-r13 {

              ack-NACK-NumRepetitions-Msg4-r13 {



              dmrs-Config-r13 {

                threeTone-CyclicShift-r13 0,

                sixTone-CyclicShift-r13 0


              ul-ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH-r13 {

                groupHoppingEnabled-r13 FALSE,

                groupAssignmentNPUSCH-r13 0



            uplinkPowerControlCommon-r13 {

              p0-NominalNPUSCH-r13 -80,

              alpha-r13 al1,

              deltaPreambleMsg3-r13 0



          ue-TimersAndConstants-r13 {

            t300-r13 ms2500,

            t301-r13 ms2500,

            t310-r13 ms200,

            n310-r13 n6,

            t311-r13 ms10000,

            n311-r13 n5


          freqInfo-r13 {

            additionalSpectrumEmission-r13 1


          timeAlignmentTimerCommon-r13 infinity








Attach Request

: This is the AttachRequest sent by  UE to inform UE capability for NB IoT NAS feature (NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)


Protocol discriminator = 0x7 (EPS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x41 (Attach request)

EPS attach type = 1 (EPS attach)

NAS key set identifier:

  TSC = 0

  NAS key set identifier = 7


  IMSI = 001010123456789

UE network capability:

  0xe0 (EEA0=1, 128-EEA1=1, 128-EEA2=1, 128-EEA3=0, EEA4=0, EEA5=0, EEA6=0, EEA7=0)

  0xe0 (EIA0=1, 128-EIA1=1, 128-EIA2=1, 128-EIA3=0, EIA4=0, EIA5=0, EIA6=0, EIA7=0)

  0x00 (UEA0=0, UEA1=0, UEA2=0, UEA3=0, UEA4=0, UEA5=0, UEA6=0, UEA7=0)

  0x00 (UCS2=0, UIA1=0, UIA2=0, UIA3=0, UIA4=0, UIA5=0, UIA6=0, UIA7=0)

  0x00 (ProSe-dd=0, ProSe=0, H.245-ASH=0, ACC-CSFB=0, LPP=0, LCS=0, 1xSRVCC=0, NF=0)

  0x90 (ePCO=1, HC-CP CIoT=0, ERw/oPDN=0, S1-U data=1, UP CIoT=0, CP CIoT=0, ProSe-relay=0, ProSe-dc=0)

  0x01 (15 bearers=0, SGC=0, N1mode=0, DCNR=0, CP backoff=0, RestrictEC=0, V2X PC5=0, multipleDRB=1)

ESM message container:

  Protocol discriminator = 0x2 (EPS Session Management)

  EPS bearer identity = 0

  Procedure transaction identity = 1

  Message type = 0xd0 (PDN connectivity request)

  Request type = 1 (initial request)

  PDN type = 3 (IPv4v6)

  Extended protocol configuration options:

    Ext = 1

    Configuration protocol = 0

    Protocol ID = 0x8021 (IPCP)

    Data = 01 00 00 10 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00

    Protocol ID = 0x0001 (P-CSCF IPv6 Address Request)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x0003 (DNS Server IPv6 Address Request)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x000a (IP address allocation via NAS signalling)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x000c (P-CSCF IPv4 Address Request)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x000d (DNS Server IPv4 Address Request)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x0016 (APN rate control support indicator)

    Data =

Additional update type = 0x01 (no additional information, keeping NAS signalling connection not required, SMS only)

MS network feature support = 0x01 (MS supports the extended periodic timer in this domain)




: This is the RrcConnectionSetup sent by  eNB to configiture NB IoT (NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)



  message c1: rrcConnectionSetup-r13: {

    rrc-TransactionIdentifier 0,

    criticalExtensions c1: rrcConnectionSetup-r13: {

      radioResourceConfigDedicated-r13 {

        srb-ToAddModList-r13 {


            rlc-Config-r13 explicitValue: am: {

              ul-AM-RLC-r13 {

                t-PollRetransmit-r13 ms6000,

                maxRetxThreshold-r13 t32


              dl-AM-RLC-r13 {



            logicalChannelConfig-r13 explicitValue: {

              priority-r13 1




        mac-MainConfig-r13 explicitValue-r13: {

          ul-SCH-Config-r13 {

            periodicBSR-Timer-r13 pp16,

            retxBSR-Timer-r13 pp64


          timeAlignmentTimerDedicated-r13 infinity


        physicalConfigDedicated-r13 {

          npdcch-ConfigDedicated-r13 {

            npdcch-NumRepetitions-r13 r8,

            npdcch-StartSF-USS-r13 v4,

            npdcch-Offset-USS-r13 zero





UE Capability Information

: This is the UE Capability Information sent by  UE to inform RRC capability for NB IoT (NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)



  message c1: ueCapabilityInformation-r13: {

    rrc-TransactionIdentifier 0,

    criticalExtensions ueCapabilityInformation-r13: {

      ue-Capability-r13 {

        accessStratumRelease-r13 rel14,

        ue-Category-NB-r13 nb1,

        multipleDRB-r13 supported,

        pdcp-Parameters-r13 {

          supportedROHC-Profiles-r13 {

            profile0x0002 TRUE,

            profile0x0003 FALSE,

            profile0x0004 TRUE,

            profile0x0006 FALSE,

            profile0x0102 FALSE,

            profile0x0103 FALSE,

            profile0x0104 FALSE


          maxNumberROHC-ContextSessions-r13 cs12


        phyLayerParameters-r13 {

          multiTone-r13 supported


        rf-Parameters-r13 {

          supportedBandList-r13 {


              band-r13 7,

              powerClassNB-20dBm-r13 supported





      ue-RadioPagingInfo-r13 {

        ue-Category-NB-r13 nb1


      nonCriticalExtension {

        ue-Capability-ContainerExt-r14 {

          ue-Category-NB-r14 nb2,

          rf-Parameters-v1430 {




Attach Accept

: This is the AttachAccept sent by  UE to inform NW capability for IoT NAS feature and Activate Default EPS Bearer(NOTE : You would see some IEs that has a specific assigned vale here, but consider it as just an example value. Those values should vary depending on test requirement)


Protocol discriminator = 0x7 (EPS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered)

Auth code = 0x8cd0b681

Sequence number = 0x01

Protocol discriminator = 0x7 (EPS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x42 (Attach accept)

EPS attach result = 1 (EPS only)

T3412 value:

  Value = 30

  Unit = 1 (1 minute)

TAI list:

  Length = 6

  Data = 00 00 f1 10 00 02

ESM message container:

  Protocol discriminator = 0x2 (EPS Session Management)

  EPS bearer identity = 5

  Procedure transaction identity = 1

  Message type = 0xc1 (Activate default EPS bearer context request)

  EPS QoS:

    QCI = 9

  Access point name = "default.mnc001.mcc001.gprs"

  PDN address:

    PDN type = 1 (IPv4)

    IPv4 =

  ESM cause = 0x32 (PDN type IPv4 only allowed)

  Extended protocol configuration options:

    Ext = 1

    Configuration protocol = 0

    Protocol ID = 0x8021 (IPCP)

    Data = 03 00 00 0a 81 06 08 08 08 08

    Protocol ID = 0x000d (DNS Server IPv4 Address)

    Data =

    Protocol ID = 0x0016 (APN rate control parameters)

    Data = 00 00 00 00


  MCC = 001

  MNC = 01

  MME Group ID = 32769

  MME Code = 1

  M-TMSI = 0x209e332f

Emergency number list:

  Length = 8

  Data = 03 1f 19 f1 03 1f 11 f2

EPS network feature support:

  0x01 (CP CIoT=0, ERw/oPDN=0, ESRPS=0, CS-LCS=0, EPC-LCS=0, EMC BS=0, IMS VoPS=1)

  0x0a (15 bearers=0, IWK N26=0, RestrictDCNR=0, RestrictEC=0, ePCO=1, HC-CP CIoT=0, S1-U data=1, UP CIoT=0)

Additional update result = 0x02 (SMS only)