
Installation - Network Monitor


The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to install Network Monitor on the Callbox.  To install this tool, you need to have the product in your installation tarball. This may require the license for it. You may reach out to for the details.

Assuming that you have this product in your installation tarball and you have never installed this package before in your system, you are supposed to install this manually as per this tutorial. Once you have installed this, your './ --default' would install the monitor tool together with other tools. Of course, it is no harm to add '--monitor' option for every installation as shown in this tutorial.

NOTE : this tutorial is only for the installation of Monitor tool, not for the operation/usage. For the operation/usage of the monitor tool, check out this tutorial.



Table of Contents



Check if Your Installation tar ball contains Monitor Installation file


The ltemonitor installation module does not comes by default and you have to make it sure that the installation tarball for lte monitor should be included in your installation tarball.

First the download the installation package, untar the tarball, go into the untarred directory and check if you have ltemonitor tar file as shown below. (NOTE : If you are not familiar with how to get installation package and untar it, check this).

Install Monitor CheckTarball 01



Installation process is similar to regular callbox software installation except that you need to put an additional option '--monitor' as shown below.

Install Monitor Install 01

You can confirm if the ltemonitor is being installed as shown below during the installation process.

Install Monitor Install 02


Check out the installed files

Once the installation is done, you may check out if all the directories and basic configuration files are properly installed.

Check if you have monitor directory under \root as shown below.

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 01

Now to go monitor directory (/root/monitor) and see if you have files and directories as shown below.

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 02

Now go to config directory (/root/monitor/config) and check if you have following files. monitor.cfg is the main configuration file that are directly used by monitor program. alarm.tpl and ssmtp.conf are indirectly used in link with monitor.cfg file. alarm.tpl and ssmtp.conf may or may not used depending on the configurations in monitor.cfg

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 03

The default configurations in monitor.cfg is something as shown below. The details and specific examples will be covered by other tutorials.

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 04

alarm.tpl is the configuration defining the email format when you configure monitor to send you the email for a specific alarms. The details and examples will be covered by another tutorial.

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 05

ssmtp.conf is the configuration in which you should configure all the necessary information to get access your email server so that monitor can send you the email for the alarm.

Install Monitor InstalledFiles 06