
PCI Express CPRI Board
version 2024-05-07*
This document is based on the latest test release.
Features may not be present in your current installed software. You may check their availability in change history or in your release documentation.
If you require an up to date release, ask for it in a ticket.

Table of Contents

1 Features

Some hardware constraints apply:

Possible combinations examples are:

2 Installation with the Amarisoft software

2.1 Introduction

Amarisoft PCIe CPRI board uses the same driver as the Amarisoft PCIe SDR board. So you don’t need to install anything if you already have a setup running with the SDR boards. Note that you can have SDR and CPRI boards plugged in the same PC. Board type is recognized automatically by the driver.

If you have bought the OTS (Off-The-Shelve) package, then you don’t need to install anything. Everything has already been installed on your PC. Otherwise, please follow through the steps below.

Decompress the trx_sdr archive into a convenient directory specified by <trx_path>.

tar -xzf trx_sdr-linux-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.gz -C <trx_path>

You have two ways to install the TRX driver for the PCIe card:

For both cases, the installation requires some specific packages to compile the kernel module. To do this, you need to be root. In Fedora and Cent OS, you need to install kernel-devel, make, gcc and elfutils-libelf-devel packages by running the following command:

dnf install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) make gcc elfutils-libelf-devel

For Ubuntu, use the following command:

apt-get install $(uname -a | awk '{print $3}') build-essential

Note that you’ll need equivalent packages for other Linux distributions if you do not use Fedora, Ubuntu or Cent OS.

Once you have finished the installation, you need to initialize (See Driver initialization) and upgrade your driver (See Firmware upgrade). Please make sure to initialize the driver after each system boot if you have not activates an automatic lte service.

2.2 Automatic Installation

Automatic installation is only available on Fedora, Ubuntu and CentOS distributions. Use manual install for other distributions. To start your automatic install, use the following command where <path> is the path to the directory where you have already installed your LTE component (eNB or UE) and type should be set to enb or ue accordingly.

./install <path> <type>


2.3 Manual Installation

To manually install the driver, let’s note <path> the directory where Amarisoft eNB or UE software is installed. Then:

  1. Compile kernel driver:
    Go to the kernel/ directory under <trx_path> and start compilation:
    cd kernel
  2. Place driver:
    Just copy the compiled driver into <path> directory
    cd ..
    cp <path>
    cp <path>
    cp <path>
  3. Config files:
    Copy RF driver config file. Note that there are 2 separate config directories for eNB and UE called config.enb and config.ue under your <trx_path>. As a result, the <config_dir> should be set to config.enb or config.ue accordingly.
    cp -r <config_dir> <path>/config/sdr

    Select frontend:

    <path>/config/ sdr

2.4 Driver initialization

Each time you boot your system, you need to perform this initialization. Note that if you are using OTS install, this step is already done by the lte service.

cd kernel

2.5 Firmware upgrade

Perform the following command to upgrade your PCIe card:

./sdr_util upgrade


2.6 Multiple card installation

Several CPRI boards can be installed on a same PC and functions independently

When you install several CPRI cards, the mapping between the PCI connectors and the Linux devices is not predictable (but it shouldn’t change after each boot). To identify the order please do the following:

./sdr_util -c 0 led 1

Then check inside PC on each board, one of them should have a led blinking. This is card 0 (/dev/sdr0).

Switch off the led:

./sdr_util -c 0 led 0

You can do the same for other cards:

./sdr_util -c <n> led 1

Where <n> is the index of the card.

2.7 TRX driver configuration options

The following JSON properties are available:

String. Set the driver to use, always set "sdr" to use Amarisoft driver.


String. Set the system device names for the boards. Example:

args: "dev0=/dev/sdr0"
args: "dev0=/dev/sdr0,dev1=/dev/sdr2"

Optional enumeration: none, gps, external, cpri (default = none). Set the time synchronization source. none uses the internal PPS generated from the clock. gps uses the GPS synchronization when a GPS antenna is connected to the GPS port. external uses the PPS from the CLK IN connector (CN7 on Figure 5.1). cpri synchronizes itself with the CPRI frame received in the SFP port, to be used when the board behaves in ’slave’ or RE mode.

When several cards are selected (with the args property), sync only sets the time synchronization source of the first card. The other cards are implicitly set to external synchronization, assuming the previous card is used as source.


Optional enumeration: internal, external (default = internal). Set the clock source. internal uses the internal clock (VCTCXO). If an external PPS sync source is used, the internal clock frequency is adjusted by the PPS signal. external uses the clock from the CLK IN connector (CN7 on Figure 5.1).


Integer. Select the CPRI line bit rate in terms of multiple of option 1 (614.4 Mbps). E.g set 4 for option 3, 8 for option 5 and 16 for option 7.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration). cpri_mult and cpri_option are mutually exclusive.


String or integer. Select the CPRI line bit rate based on CPRI option.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration). cpri_mult and cpri_option are mutually exclusive.


Optional enumeration: standard, hw, spread (default = standard) Selects the mapping method. standard is mapping method 1 (all AxC are contiguous). spread is mapping method 3 (AxC are interleaved). Note that spread mapping is only partially supported. hw offloads CPRI mapping onto the board hardware. Support is experimental and works only with certain firmwares.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional integer (default = 54). Range 20-63. Value of the ’p’ pointer (control word #194) defining the start subchannel of the fast C&M channel which will span subchannels p to 63.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


String. Interface name of the TUN interface connected to the fast C&M channel.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional string to configure vendor specific data in the CPRI control word Format is string of pipe | separated items of the form X:data where X is the control word index X = Ns + 64*Xs and data is a hex string of length equals to the CPRI line multiplier. The first byte in the string corresponds to byte 0 in the CPRI frame, the second byte to byte 1, etc. If data is smaller than the CPRI multiplier, it will be right-padded with 0. Example for a CPRI multiplier of 16 (option 7, 9830.4 Mbps) to write a full data at index 16 and a single byte at index 80 : vss_data : "16:0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF|80:FF" . Note that any vendor specific data overlapping with the fast C&M channel will be overwritten by the Ethernet data.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional floating point value in microseconds (default 0).
Delay between TX and RX position in CPRI frame. This should be set to the value of (T2a + T3a - Toffset) provided by the RRH specification.
Check Delay management for more details.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional floating point value in microseconds (default 0).
Advance Start of Frame relative to PPS to compensate for delays in transmit line and RRH. This should be set to T12 + T2a.
Check Delay management for more details.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional floating point value in dBm (default 0). Needed by ENB/GNB to have a notion of actual output power. Computed from maximum power output of the RRH for a 0dBFS input signal (full scale). You need to take into account the loss in RF cables and efficiency of antennas. Exemple: RRH spec is 5Watt for -14dBFS input, so: +37dBm for -14dBFS: gain = +51dB gain. In this case, parameter cpri_tx_dbm could be set to 51.0, but actual value for best performance was 42.0.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional string. If present, the control words of the sent CPRI hyperframes are dumped to the file specified by the parameter, in binary format. The control word of each hyperframe consists in 256 words of cpri_mult bytes. The words of the control channel are dumped by increasing number of subchannels, i.e with the index in the following order 0, 64, 128, 192, 1, 65, ... To spare CPU resources, only one every 16 hyperframes is dumped to the file. The file begins with a four bytes header : 0x43 0x50 0x90 <cpri_mult>. Due to the rapidly increasing file size, it is strongly recommended to use this parameter only for a short duration and for debug purposes.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional string. If present, the control words of the received CPRI hyperframes are dumped to the file specified by the parameter. The file has the same structure than tx_subch_dump_file
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional integer (default 7). Number of bytes of the Ethernet preamble for Fast C&M channel. Minimum size is 2 (preamble is then 0x55 0xd5). Maximum size is 7 (0x55 0x55 0x55 0x55 0x55 0x55 0xd5).
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional string. If set defines the CPRI hook shared library to use (cf api/cpri_hook.c for example).
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).


Optional string. If set, will be passed to CPRI hooks as user data.
Use comma separated list for multiple card configuration (Multiple card configuration).

2.7.1 Multiple card configuration

To have different configuration for each card, most of configuration options can be expressed as a list of value seperated by ,.
The first value will apply to the first board defined in args argument, ...


cpri_mult: "4,16"

2.8 Delay management

To configure delays and adjust propagation delays to that TX signal is aligned to PPS and RX is aligned to TX, you need to setup cpri_tx_delay and cpri_rx_delay.

cpri_tx_delay is used to align TX signal to PPS.
The CPRI driver uses this value to start sending of hyperframes before its own PPS so that the associated signal reaches antenna at the correct time.
This delay should be set to T12 + T2a

cpri_rx_delay is used to align TX and RX signal and ensure synchronization for TDD.

The CPRI driver use this value to apply an offset to the received signal inside the hyperframes to compensate propagation delay and align RX to TX. When the CPRI driver receives an hyperframe, it uses its HFN/BFN to compute the timestamp of the signal and removes the cpri_rx_delay.
This delay should be set to T2a + T3a - Toffset


The BBU generates the signal to t=0 (Ex: start of a frame).
The signal is put in HFR:0.0 (HFN=0, BFN=0) and is sent to RRU at t=-(T12 + T2a)

HFR:0.0 reaches R2 at t=-T2a
HFR:0.0 reaches antenna at t=0 as expected

The RRU generates HFR:0.0 at t=-T2a + Toffset as it aligns on received HFR:0.0 at t=-T2a
The signal put in HFR:0.0 is the one received -T3a earlier at antenna side.
Which means that HFR:0.0 sent by RRU is filled with signal received at antenna side at t=-T2a + Toffset - T3a

2.9 GPS usage

You can check the GPS operation when the eNodeB/UE is stopped with

./sdr_util gps_state

The GPS takes a few minutes to lock if the GPS antenna is connected. Any active GPS antenna accepting a 3.3V DC supply can be used, for example:

To ensure the PLL is correctly locked when launching the lte software, it is recommended to set the synchro to GPS beforehand with the command

./sdr_util sync_gps

2.10 Oscillator frequency fine tuning

If you don’t have a GPS, it is still possible to manually fine tune the VCTCXO (Voltage Controlled, Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator) frequency provided you have a way to know the offset:

./sdr_util clock_tune n

where n is the offset in PPM (parts-per-million) from the nominal TCXO frequency. Note: the PPM offset n to voltage law is only approximative, so you should adjust it by successive approximation.

3 Miscellaneous utilities

3.1 sdr_util

usage: sdr_util [options] cmd [args...]

-h                         help
-c device_num              select the device (default = all)

Available commands:
version                    dump the FPGA version
sync_state                 dump the synchro and clock state
gps_state                  dump the GPS state
sync_gps                   select GPS as sync source, wait for stable state
gps_cal [-s]               uses the GPS sync to tune VCXO, optionnaly stores the value in flash
temp                       dump the temperature of the board components
led [0|1]                  enable/disable led blinking
clock_tune n               tune TCXO frequency offset to n ppm
upgrade [options]          upgrade the FPGA firmware
  upgrade options are:
  -force                   force upgrade even if identical or 
                           previous version


The PCIe CPRI board can be used in other projects with its C API. The C API allows to send and receive I/Q samples and to change the various parameters (frequency, sample rate, bandwidth, gains, ...). The Amarisoft TRX driver, sdr_play and sdr_spectrum are built using this API.

The C API is described in libsdr.h. The corresponding Linux x86_64 dynamic library is

Amarisoft does not provide any support for this API and can modify it without notice.

5 Physical specifications

5.1 Summary

5.2 Connectors

The following figure depicts the location and functionality of each connector in the PCIe board.


Figure 5.1

5.2.1 PPS/Clock connectors

Clock sync connectors


CLK_IN Input to sync this board as slave.


CLK_OUT Output to use this board as master for other CPRI board

On each SATA connector:

pin 1,4,7


pin 2,3

AC coupled LVDS 122.88MHz clock

pin 5,6

DC coupled CMOS (3V3) Pulse per Second signal 6=positive side

6 Remote API

SDR driver implements some extension of the rf remote API for Amarisoft eNB/gNB and UE simulator.

An additional command parameter is added to request:


Optional string. Can be:

  • clock_tune
  • cpri_rx_delay
  • cpri_tx_delay

Here are the additional request and response field depending on command value:

6.1 clock_tune

Request fields:


Optional number. If command is clock_tune, defines the clock drift to set in ppm.

6.2 cpri_rx_delay

Request fields:


Integer. Defines RF port to set and/or get.


Optional number. Update cpri_rx_delay in microseconds.

Response fields:


Current cpri_rx_delay in microseconds

6.3 cpri_tx_delay

Request fields:


Integer. Defines RF port to set and/or get.


Optional number. Update cpri_tx_delay in microseconds

Response fields:


Current cpri_tx_delay in microseconds. Note that the delay with PPS won’t be affected. This will only affect the IQ signal inside CPRI frames.

7 Change history

7.1 Version 2023-09-08