


This tutorial shows how to test FTP with a commercial UE on Amari Callbox. If you are using the USIM card from Amarisoft, you don't need to change any settings in the default configuration (You just need to understand about the settings on default configuration).

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol.  This is a TCP based protocol that is used to file download or upload (You don't need to understand the details of ftp protocol itself for this tutorial. But if you are interested in the details of the protocol, check out this note). If you want to do TCP testing in more practical situation, FTP would be a good thing to try.

In this tutorial, I used LTE for radio protocol (radio pipe), but you can apply the same setup (ftp setups in this tutorial) for any other radio protocol (e.g, NR NSA, NR SA etc).  For ftp test, you need to have ftp server on server PC and ftp client on your UE (or a client PC tethered with the UE).  For a server, you can use any ftp server. Some of the servers commonly used in wireless testing is listed below. I used the first one in this tutorial.


Table of Contents


Test Setup

Test setup for this tutorial is as shown below.  

TestSetup Callbox UE 1sdr 01



Test 1 : FTP Download

In this test, I will show you how to configure all the components (Callbox, ftpserver,ftp client app) for download (i.e, copy a file from server to ftp client app).



There are multiple componets involved in this test, so you need to configure all of the components(Callbox, ftpserver,ftp client app) appropriately for the test.



I used the enb.default.cfg (LTE default configuration) as it is without changing any contents in it. (NOTE : I used the LTE default configuration here, but you may use any configuration that would assign a UE an IP address that belong to any Tun interface configured by the callbox)

LTE SG SMS Config 01

I also used the default configuration for mme as shown below.

LTE SG SMS Config 03



I installed a ftp server on Amari Callbox. You can install any ftp server, but in this tutorial I installed vsftpd. You may google on how to install vsftpd on Callbox (Fedor 32 in my case). An example of installation guide can be found here (NOTE : follow the instruction only for installation. For vsftpd.conf setting (/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf), configure as follows for this tutorial. Note that I enabled anoynmous access for each test.

LTE ftp Config vsftpd 01

Confirm if the following directories are created (It would be created automatically during the vsftpd installation. If you don't find this directory, you can create a directory by yourself .. or create any directory and set that directory to anon_root in vsftpd.conf file. Before the test, I would suggest you to put some files in this directory or pub directory so that you can download from UE later.

LTE ftp Config vsftpd 03

Then restart vsftpd  

       # service vsftpd restart

Make it sure that it is running.

LTE ftp Config vsftpd 04


ftp client on UE

You may use any ftp client you can install on your device, but I installed the app called AndFTP on my UE and created a connection profile as below. Note that I put the IP here. It mean that UE should get IP of 192.168.3.x during the registration.

LTE ftp Config ftpClient 01

LTE ftp Config ftpClient 02


Perform the test

Start LTE service and check basic cell configuration. Any cell configuration is OK as long as it is LTE cell.

LTE ftp Run 01

Power On UE and make it sure that UE get registerred.

LTE ftp Run 02

Make it sure that UE is assigned with a IP address as below. (NOTE : UE is assigned with an IP 192.168.3.x. It would be OK if it is assigned with different IP subnet, in that you need to change accordingly the IP address on ftp client settings on UE)

LTE ftp Run 03

Launch ftp client on UE and download a file.

LTE ftp Run 04

LTE ftp Run 05


Log Analysis

You may not need any detailed log analysis for this since it is based on basic LTE call process. One thing you may want to check would be to check IP traffic and see ftp is going through the callbox radio stack as shown below. You can identify ftp traffic by the ftp port number as underlined.

First you can check if you see IP traffic while you are downloading file via ftp and confirm that it is ftp traffic (no other traffic) by port number printed on the log.

LTE ftp Log 01



Test 2 : FTP Upload

FTP server usually put stricter rule in terms of server side setting most likely for security reason. This server side setting requirement would be even stricter when in comes to 'anonymous' access. In this test, I will show you about the additional settings/preparations you need to do to allow ftp upload for anonymous access. Once you have done this, you don't need to change anythning back to do ftp download test. You may keep this setting for both download and upload test.



There are multiple componets involved in this test, so you need to configure all of the components(Callbox, ftpserver,ftp client app) appropriately for the test.



Same as in Test 1. No difference between download and Upload



I changed the configuration as follows to allow the uplink.

LTE ftp Test 2 Config vsftpd 01

I have created an new directory within the pub directory and give the directory a full authorization for everybody (NOTE : I have tried with changing access right to pub directory itself in the hope of doing both uplink and downlink with the same directory, but anonymous login with andFTP itself failed in this case. I am not 100% sure if this is due to vsftpd issue or andFTP issue though).

LTE ftp Test 2 Config vsftpd 02

Then restart vsftpd  

       # service vsftpd restart

Make it sure that it is running.

LTE ftp Config vsftpd 04


ftp client on UE

Same as in Test 1. You can use the same profile that you created in andFTP for Test 1.


Perform the test

Start LTE service and check basic cell configuration. Any cell configuration is OK as long as it is LTE cell.

LTE ftp Run 01

Power On UE and make it sure that UE get registerred.

LTE ftp Run 02

Make it sure that UE is assigned with a IP address as below. (NOTE : UE is assigned with an IP 192.168.3.x. It would be OK if it is assigned with different IP subnet, in that you need to change accordingly the IP address on ftp client settings on UE)

LTE ftp Run 03

Launch ftp client on UE and download a file. If you are using the same mobile app as I do, just follow through each of the screenshots shown below.

LTE ftp Test 2 Run 04

LTE ftp Test 2 Run 05

LTE ftp Test 2 Run 06