
UE Simulator MBS User guide
version 2024-10-17*
This document is based on the latest test release.
Features may not be present in your current installed software. You may check their availability in your release documentation.
If you require an up to date release, ask for it in a ticket.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

AMARI UE Simbox MBS "Macro Base Station" is a UE simulator acting as a 3GPP compliant LTE and 5G NR UE (in NSA or SA mode).
It can simulate up to 1000 UEs sharing the same spectrum with different types of traffic within multiple cells. It is also supporting NB-IoT and LTE-M.
The offer is completed by an integrated IP simulation package for reproducible test results.


The UE Simbox is a turnkey solution running on Fedora 39 operating system. It embeds three SDR cards 100MHz mimo 4x4, all software components and license required to emulate 4G/5G UEs.
The UE Simbox can be connected to the network over the air or in conducted mode on one side.
On the other side it can be configured and controlled using either configuration files, WebSocket API or via a web based GUI. IP traffic may be reachable with a Linux TUN network interface.


This document describes the first steps to start and configure your Amarisoft Simbox. For advanced configurations and testing, please refer to the application notes and other documents available under or under the /root/ue/doc/ folders of your Simbox.

2 Product capabilities

AMARI UE Simbox MBS supports LTE release 8 with features up to release 17. It supports also release 16 EN-DC for 5G NSA mode and release 16 for 5G SA.

AMARI UE Simbox MBS can emulate up to :

3 Hardware setup

3.1 Power supply

Plug the external power cable provided with the Simbox in the AC-in Connector and place the toggle switch located in the rear panel on position "1", then press the Power on button on the top of the front panel to turn the system on.
The led will light up blue once Simbox is powered ON .

Power adapter specifications:
Input: 100~240 V AC, 50~60 Hz

3.2 RF connection

The AMARI UE Simbox MBS setup is delivered with three PCIe Software Defined Radio (SDR) cards supporting 100Mhz MIMO 4x4 each.
Each PCIe SDR card has four RX and four TX SMA connectors plus one GPS connector.

Note: Each physical PCIe SDR card (100Mhz MIMO 4x4) is actually composed of two independent RF chips. Each chip is mapped to a separate logical SDR device and can handle 100MHz 2x2 MIMO as depicted below


For basic scenarios running just one cell 2X2 MIMO as instance, the UE Simbox will only use one SDR device (#0). In that case, it’s not required to connect all SMA connectors.

For others scenarios such as carrier aggregation, 4x4 MIMO, Multi cells or EN-DC tests, several SDR cards can be used and combined.
In that case, three important points have to be taken into account for connecting the UE Simbox to enb/gnb:

The following section describes how to connect and configure your UE simbox using RF cables.

Note: unused ports of the combiners must be terminated with RF terminator or absorber especially when using frequency above 2.5Ghz. Otherwise big insertion losses may happen and downgrade the RF performances.

3.2.1 RF connection for one cell 4G or 5G SA - 2x2 MIMO in FDD mode

In this case one SDR device "SDR0" is used. LTE / 5G SA cell (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0.
This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration file through rf_driver object: jpg


Note: For SISO test, connection between TX2/RX2 and eNB/gNB (TX2/RX2) is not required.

3.2.2 RF connection for one cell 4G or 5G SA - 2x2 MIMO in TDD mode

In TDD mode, as both TX and RX are sent on the same channel, only TX1 port is needed for the main antenna and TX2 for the diversity/MIMO antenna.


However, with Amarisoft SDR card, it is possible to force the DL signal reception on RX port and Uplink signal transmission on TX port when rx_antenna: "rx" is set in the RF driver configuration file.
This improves the performance of the SDR card as we don’t have to switch the RF several times per radio frame.

When rx_antenna: "rx" is set, RF connection is the same as for FDD.

3.2.3 RF connection for one cell 4G or 5G SA - 4x4 MIMO in FDD mode

In this case two SDR devices "SDR0 + SDR1" are used. LTE / 5G SA cell (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0 and SDR1.
This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration through rf_driver object:


Note: For NR TDD band, set rx_antenna: "rx"


3.2.4 RF connection for NSA cell

This RF cabling corresponds to an EN-DC scenario with one LTE cell FDD 2x2 MIMO and one NR cell FDD 4x4 MIMO

In this case three SDR devices "SDR0 + SDR2 + SDR3" are used. LTE cell 0 (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0 and NR cell (rf port 1) is mapped to SDR2 & SDR 3.
This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration through rf_driver object: jpg

Note: For NR TDD band, set rx_antenna: "rx"


3.2.5 RF connection for four carriers 4G or 5G SA - MIMO 2x2 in FDD mode

When multiple cells are configured at eNodeB side (four cells in this example), four SDR devices are required at UE simulator side even if cells are intrafreq cells or use the same RF antenna port. Each SDR device is dedicated to one specific cell.

In this case four SDR devices "SDR0 + SDR2 + SDR3 + SDR4" are used. LTE cell 0 (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0, LTE cell 1 (rf port 1) is mapped to SDR1, LTE cell 2 (rf port 2) is mapped to SDR2 and LTE cell 3 (rf port 3) is mapped to SDR3,
This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration through rf_driver object: jpg

In the picture below, all cells use a different antenna port (RF#1, RF#2, RF#3, RF#4). This cabling is releveant for four neighbor cells or for a Carrier Aggregation test.


3.2.6 RF connection for three carriers 4G or 5G SA - MIMO 4x4 in FDD mode

In this case six SDR devices "SDR0 + SDR1 + SDR2 + SDR3 + SDR4 + SDR5" are used. Each cell (rf port) is using two SDR devices. First cell (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0+SDR1, second cell (rf port 1) is mapped to SDR2+SDR3, fird cell (rf port 2) is mapped to SDR4+SDR5.

This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration through rf_driver object: jpg

In the picture below, the thress cells use a different antenna port (RF#0, RF#1, RF#3). This cabling is also releveant for multi cells test scenario.


3.2.7 RF connection for three carriers 4G or 5G SA - MIMO 4x4 in TDD mode

In this case six SDR devices "SDR0 + SDR1 + SDR2 + SDR3 + SDR4 + SDR5" are used. Each cell (rf port) is using two SDR devices. First cell (rf port 0) is mapped to SDR0+SDR1, second cell (rf port 1) is mapped to SDR2+SDR3, fird cell (rf port 2) is mapped to SDR4+SDR5.

This mapping is configured in ue.cfg configuration through rf_driver object: jpg

In the picture below, the thress cells use a different antenna port (RF#0, RF#1, RF#3). This cabling is also releveant for multi cells test scenario.


When rx_antenna: "rx" is set, RF connection is the same as for FDD.

4 Connection to AMARI UE Simbox

The AMARI UE Simbox includes built-in graphical card however, for real time performance reasons, it is highly recommended to connect remotely to the simbox by using one of the Ethernet ports.

4.1 Connect your Simbox to the local network

The AMARI UE Simbox has three Ethernet ports: 1 Gb ethernet port and two 10 Gb ethernet port
The first one (on the top) is configured in DHCP mode and will get automatically an IP address within the range defined on your router. This interface allows you to connect to BMC (login: admin, psw: amarisoft).
The second one is configured with a static IP address
The third one is configured in DHCP mode.


Once you are remotely connected, you can modify the static IP address allocated by editing the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s31f6. Thus, future connections to the simbox can be made using this static address

4.2 Login

To login as root, please use root/toor as login / password.
There is also a user account with user/resu as login/password.

Note: The Amarisoft software suit is installed and executed under root account.

4.3 Web GUI

The web GUI to display logs is available through web access at the following URL:
http://<IP address>/

4.3.1 Set a password

To add authentication to the web portal:

Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd/conf and look for <Directory "/var/www/html"> section.
Inside it, add AuthConfig to AllowOverride directive so that it becomes AllowOverride None AuthConfig.

Then restart HTTP daemon:

service httpd restart

Create /var/www/html/lte/.htaccess file with following content:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Amarisoft Web GUI"
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

To add a user and its password, type the following command:

htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/.htpasswd <username>

5 LTE service

5.1 Manage LTE automatic service

5.1.1 Status

You can check the LTE service status this way:

service lte status

The command will return "active (running)" status if service is running

5.1.2 Stop

You can stop all LTE components this way:

service lte stop

5.1.3 Start

You can start them again this way:

service lte start

5.1.4 Disable

You may also prevent them to start at boot time:

systemctl disable lte

NB: lte service remains enable until next reboot
NB2: this command is not available on Ubuntu version <= 14

5.1.5 Enable

You may enable service at boot time this way:

systemctl enable lte

NB: lte service remains disable until next reboot
NB2: this command is not available on Ubuntu version <= 14

6 Initial setting

6.1 Selection of configuration file

The default file used by LTE automatic service is ue.cfg (available under /root/ue/config directory). This files aims to configure the UE simulator parameters such as UE category, EARFCN, IMSI and others.

To change the UE configuration, update this file and restart the LTE service with service lte restart command.
Note: Some examples of configuration file (ue-nbiot.cfg, ue-catm1.cfg) are provided in Amarisoft releases as a starting point.

To quickly swap between different configuration, you can stop the automatic service using service lte stop command and run manually the command line ./lteue config/xxx.cfg under /root/ue directory.

6.2 Frequency and bandwidth configuration

Once configuration file has been selected, frequency and bandwidth must be set to match eNodeB/gNodeB setting as both parameters are static at UE simulator side.
The parameters to be changed are:

6.3 Multiple cells configuration

When multiple cells are configured at network side, each of them must be declared in cell_groups parameter.
A cell groups references the configuration of 1 or more cells of the same type (LTE, Cat-M1, NB-IoT, or 5G NR). See lteue.pdf for more details

Note: Cells within same group must be synchronized at subframe/frame level.

6.3.1 Example : 2 LTE cells from two different eNodeB

The example below represents a scenario with 2 cells from two different eNodeB (not synchonized)

 cell_groups: [{
    group_type: "lte",
    multi_ue: true,
    cells: [{
      rf_port: 0,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_earfcn: 6300,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,
  }, {
    group_type: "lte",
    multi_ue: true,
    cells: [{
      rf_port: 1,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_earfcn: 3350,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,

6.3.2 Example : 2 LTE cells from same eNodeB

The example below represents a scenario with 2 cells from same eNodeB (synchonized)

  cell_groups: [{
    group_type: "lte",
    multi_ue: true,
    cells: [{
      rf_port: 0,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_earfcn: 6300,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,
      rf_port: 1,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_earfcn: 3350,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,

6.3.3 Example : 1 LTE and 1 NR cell (NSA mode)

The example below represents a scenario with one LTE and one NR cell

 cell_groups: [{
    group_type: "lte",
    multi_ue: false,
    cells: [{
      rf_port: 0,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_earfcn: 300,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,
  }, {
    group_type: "nr",
    multi_ue: false,
    cells: [{
      rf_port: 1,
      band: 78,
      bandwidth: 20,
      dl_nr_arfcn: 632628,
      ssb_nr_arfcn: 632256,
      subcarrier_spacing: 30,
      n_antenna_dl: 1,
      n_antenna_ul: 1,

6.4 TX/RX gain setting

TX and RX gain values must be fine tuned depending on your setup (conducted vs wireless conditions, physical attenuator used, combiner/divider, etc..) as dynamic power control is not handled at UE side (excepted if channel simulation mode is enabled) .

TX and RX gain values are defined in RF configuration file located under /root/ue/config/rf_driver directory. To know which files is used by LTE service, just look at ue.cfg file. Example:

 include "rf_driver/1chan.cfg",

6.4.1 Wired test

In wired test conditions, it’s recommended to put attenuator between eNodeB and LTE UE simulator in order not to damage SDR cards and avoid saturation.
On UE Simulator side, max SDR input is -10 dBm, max SDR output is 5dBm.

Recommended values for PCIe SDR cards are :

tx_gain: 60.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 0.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

Note: If physical attenuators are used, equivalent gain must be added to these default values

6.4.2 Wireless test

In Wireless test conditions, the recommended values for PCIe SDR cards are :

tx_gain: 90.0, /* TX gain (in dB) */
rx_gain: 60.0, /* RX gain (in dB) */

6.5 Multiple UE mode and timing advance

To activate the simulation of multiple UEs, the parameter multi_ue must be set to true.
The "multiple UE" mode aims to simulate hundreds of devices on the same PC sharing the same physical layer. As a consequence all UE have the same timing advance and this value must be defined in the ue.cfg file.

There are two ways to define the timing advance for multiple UE.

We recommend to use the automatic mode. However, if UEs encounter difficulties to synchronize with eNodeB signal you may have to adjust manually the timing advance. See SIB found but attach fails for more details.

6.6 Reload config files

Once UE configuration is completed, you can restart your service to take these modifications into account with command lte service restart, and switch to LTE screen using screen -x lte command.

As a result, you should see SIB found message displayed. This means that eNodeB cell has been detected and UE simulator is ready to be used !
If SIB found message is not displayed, See No sib found for more details.

Type ue in the monitor to see the list of UEs and their status.
To power on a UE, just type power_on ueid command where ueid is the UE ID listed in ue command result.

7 Create scenario using WebGui

Once your UE simulator has been started and has decoded eNodeB system information (Cell 0: SIB found message is displayed) you can start using it to create devices, generate end to end traffic and simulate different channel conditions in order to test your eNodeB and Core network.
These scenarios can be generated automatically using the WebGui as described below.

Note: More complex scenarios can be created by writing your own script manually and controlled using LTEUE Remote API. See Create scenario without WebGui for more details.

7.1 Configuration

Open your web browser and connect to LTE UE IP address followed by /lte.
(example The following main page will open.


Note: If the page can’t be loaded, please check httpd service is running on LTEUE side (service httpd status). Also, make sure no firewall or other security software is blocking the communication

Create a websocket and connect a client server :


Once the server client is created and get connected to the LTE UE service, a new window will appear where logging level per layer can be set


For more details about logging configuration, see ltewww.pdf documentation

Note : If this page can’t be loaded, please check that lte service is running (service lte status)

You should see now (as shown in the picture below)



UE Scenario will be used to define scenarii.
UE Simulator aims to control your UE simulator instance.

7.2 Create scenario

Once the webGui is up and running, you can create scenarios.


7.2.1 Create UEs tab


Number of UE to create. If set to 0, the scenario shall only be applied to an already created UE.


IMSI of each UE. The special character $ can be added to differentiate each UE. It will be replaced by the UE index.

NB: Same IMSI can be used for all UEs if EPC can handle it and differentiate UEs based on their IMEI as instance. This is actually supported by Amarisoft EPC when multi_sim parameter is true in user database file (ue-db_ims.cfg).

IMSI can be generated by introducing ${F(i)} inside IMSI digits where F is a Javascript mathematical function and i the index of UE. The absolute integer rounded result padded with 0 will be put inside IMSI.

  00101${1000 * i + Math.sqrt(i)}

Will produce 001010000001001, 001010000002001, 001010000003001, 001010000004002...


UE category.

Forced RI

Force RI returned by UE to base station. 1 for SISO, 2 for MIMO

Forced CQI

Force CQI returned by UE to base station. If set to 0, UE will estimate it. It’s recommended to set it at 15 for testing at max throughput in wired condition

K/OP/OPC/Algo :

Secret key parameters. To be aligned with IMSI parameters stored in HSS so that the UEs can be authenticated correctly. See lteue.pdf for more details


Allow to select simulation mode between SIM, TUN and Remote

Sim mode: Uplink and downlink traffic flow of each UE is managed by an embedded traffic generator called "lte simserver" running on EPC side. No logical TUN interface is created per UE.

TUN mode: Create a linux TUN interface per PDN for each UE.
This allows to communicate with each UE independently through their network namespaces.
Lte_simserver is not required in that case. Iperf command can be used for generating or receiving IP traffic as instance. See Downlink and Uplink transfer using iperf for more details.

Remote mode: Used with remote UE mode. See Remote UE for more details.

Setup script:

Select script used for TUN and Remote mode.

7.2.2 PDN tab

PDN parameters are optional. If the tab remains empty, the UE(s) will attach to the network and request a PDN connectity without specifying the APN. Network will provide the default APN in that case.

To request a PDN with a specific APN and change the PDN type, a new PDN profile has to be created using the following parameters :


Access point name (APN) requested in the PDN connectivity request 


PDN type. Can be IPv4 only, IPv6 only or IPv4v6


Define when PDN connectivity request will be triggered. Can be done during the UE attach procedure or on demand, i.e when the simulation will start the transfer on this specific APN.

Note : PDN tab only aims to declare and configure the PDN. To trigger a PDN with the specific APN declared, a simulation must be created and refer to this APN. See Simulations tab

7.2.3 Channel simulation tab

Channel simulation parameters are optional. If the tab remains empty, RX and TX signals respectively received and transmitted by the UE(s) will remained unchanged. No simulation will be applied.
In order to simulate different channel conditions, See Channel simulator for more details

7.2.4 Power on/off tab

Power on/off parameters are optional. If the tab remains empty, the UE(s) declared in the create UEs tab will be created but won’t be turned ON automatically.

If enabled box is checked, simulation will generate on and off periods for each UE and run simulations defined in Simulations tab.


Duration of the simulation in seconds. All simulations and power off/on commands will be over before this duration. It can be seen as the maximum simulation duration.

Connection attempts/s

Number of maximum UE connection attempt per second.

Max simultaneous connected UE

Maximum number of simultaneously connected UE. Simulation will avoid any power on until this limit is reached, in other words, next power on will occur after new power off.

Power on duration

Duration in seconds of power on period. UE will remain powered on during this time and them will power off, allowing a new UE to connect.

Power off duration

Minimum duration in seconds of power off period. When powered off, a UE will remain powered off at least this time before being candidate to power on again.

Note: UE simulator will try to put as many simulation as possible within the duration period, depending on parameters.

7.2.5 Simulations tab

The simulation tab aims to create different type of IP traffic simulation. You can add several simulations per scenario. Each simulation will be placed inside each power on period of each UE.

Click on "+" button and select simulation type:


You can then choose the following IP traffic:


Perform ICMP Ping request.


Send UDP constant bitrate traffic.


Send RTP constant bitrate traffic.


Simulate voice RTP traffic using statistical model.


Send UDP packet burst

HTTP transfert

Send HTTP requests.


Launches an external application. See External application for more details

Once IP traffic selection has been done , additional parameters can be configured:


Name of simulation


Between 0 and 1. When scenario is running, probability that a UE instance runs the simulation depends on probability (1 = 100% probablity, 0 means no chance, 0.5 means one out of two) .


Allow to request a specific Access Point Name in the PDN connectivity request. The APN name defined here must be declared previously in the PDN tab. See PDN tab

Start delay

Script start delay in seconds. If power off/on procedure is not activated, script starts after this delay. If power on/off procedure is activated, you should always set a delay as power on procedure may take a while unless it is what you want to do.


Duration of the script in seconds.

Payload size

Size of the IP packet in Bytes


Traffic Bitrate in bit per second


Destination address of IP traffic.
In sim mode, ltesim_server peer entity running on EPC must listen to the same IP address ( ./ltesim_server -a


IP traffic direction. Can be downlink only, Uplink only or both Uplink/downlink

Once all parameters have been configured, click on Apply changes to commit them. Your scenario will now appear in the center panel and is ready to be used !

7.3 Export scenario

Once a scenario has been created, it’s possible to export it. In the center panel, the Export button generates a json config file that you can directly integrate in your UE configuration file for running it through command line instead of using the WebGUI.

It also generates a MME config file that can be loaded on Amarisoft EPC to fill automatically the ue_db of MME component.

8 Run UE scenarios with WebGui

Once scenario have been created (as described in section above), you can now run them to test your eNodeB and EPC.
In the center panel, select the scenario and click on run button
Once started, two tabs UE simulator and UE simulator:scenarioName can be used to monitor the UE status, visualize chart and trigger manual actions

8.1 UE simulator tab

When selecting simulator UE tab, several panels are displayed.


8.1.1 Actions buttons

Panel on top aims to trigger actions:

8.1.2 UE list

Panel in the middle lists all UE created and their status.
Right click on any UE to perform more actions:

8.1.3 Statistics

Panel at the bottom provides various real time charts for debug and tracking purpose

8.2 Scenario example

8.3 Executing scenario tab


Following buttons are available:

8.4 Example

Let’s try the following exercise:

Let’s create a new scenario.
First, we need to estimate the amount of necessary UE.
If we set only 100 UE:

This implies between t=10s and t=20s, total amount of connected UE will decrease to 0 at t=20s. As a result:


So what can we do ?
We can reduce power off duration but this will imply all UE will stay disconnected 0s !
And we can increase the amount of UE to have a constant pool of disconnected UE.

Let’s do this:


Then we can add our scripts:


With this configuration, HTTP transfer will last 6s.
As power on duration is 10s, it means HTTP transfer will start 2s after power on and will stop 2s before power off.

Take a look at URL: This URL will be interpreted by ltesim_server embedded HTTP server as a transfer of 10000 byte(s). Note that ltesim_server must be started with HTTP server enabled:

sudo ./ltesim_server -a -H 8080

Then add ping


And start it


9 Create scenario without WebGui

In order to ease automation, UE scenario can be directly defined in the ue.cfg file and run automatically when lte service is started.
The exhaustive list of parameters that can be used are described in lteue.pdf documentation, chapter 7.3.

For creating configuration files including scenario, you can start from one of the files provided in the amarisoft releases (available under /root/ue/config folder) as a starting point and modify it as described in the following sections in order to create multiple UE.

Note: as described in "Export scenario" section above, another possibility consists in creating the scenario through the Web GUI and exporting it. The json config file generated can be integrated into the config file.

Note : Export button is active only when number of UE created in scenario is not Null

9.1 Multiple UEs

It’s possible to create multiple UEs by using either the ue_count parameter or by . This is convenient when high number of UEs must be created manually.
When defined, ue_count instances of UE are created. Each of them has a unique IMEI and K values (starting from IMSI and K values and incremented by one) .
All others properties remain the same for each UEs.

When using Amarisoft EPC solution, count parameter can be used as well to create n user entries in EPC by incrementing the IMSI and K values

9.2 Examples of configuration file

9.2.1 Power_ON_OFF

In the example below, UE with IMSI 001010000000200 will automatically power on after 3 seconds and power off after 3000 seconds.

 ue_list: [
    as_release: 8,
    ue_category: 4,
    imsi: "001010000000200",
    sim_events: [
        "start_time": 3,
        "event": "power_on"
        "start_time": 3000,
        "event": "power_off"

9.2.2 Power_ON_PING

The example below shows the different steps of a PING scenario for UE with IMSI 001010123456789:

ue_list: [
    "ue_id": 88,
    "imsi": "001010123456789",
    "K": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
    "forced_cqi": 15,
    "forced_ri": 2,
    "sim_events": [
        "start_time": 0,
        "event": "power_on"
        "start_time": 5,
        "end_time": 305,
        "dst_addr": "",
        "payload_len": 1400,
        "delay": 1,
        "id": 36457,
        "event": "ping"

9.2.3 Power_ON_2xUEs_UDP_UL

The example below shows the different steps of a UDP UL scenario with 2 UEs:

ue_list: [
    "ue_id": 1,
    "imsi": "001010123456789",
    "imeisv": "8682430000000101",
    "K": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
    "sim_algo": "xor",
    "ue_category": 4,
    "pdsch_max_its": 6,
    "as_release": 8,
    "sim_events": [
        "start_time": 0,
        "event": "power_on"
        "start_time": 5,
        "end_time": 305,
        "dst_addr": "",
        "payload_len": 1400,
        "bit_rate": 15000000,
        "type": "udp",
        "event": "cbr_send"
    "ue_id": 2,
    "imsi": "001010123456789",
    "imeisv": "8682430000000201",
    "K": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
    "sim_algo": "xor",
    "ue_category": 4,
    "pdsch_max_its": 6,
    "as_release": 8,
    "sim_events": [
        "start_time": 0,
        "event": "power_on"
        "start_time": 10,
        "end_time": 310,
        "dst_addr": "",
        "payload_len": 1400,
        "bit_rate": 15000000,
        "type": "udp",
        "event": "cbr_send"

9.2.4 Uplink_Traffic_Specific_APN

The example below shows the different steps for sending UDP packets with iperf using a specific APN IMS

 ue_list: [
    as_release: 8,
    ue_category: 4,
    imsi: "001010000000200",
    K: "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
    /* Enable it to create a TUN interface for each UE PDN */
    tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup",
    sim_events: [
                event: "power_on",
                start_time: 5,
                "apn": "ims",
                "pdn_type": "ipv4v6",
                "start_time": 10,
                "event": "pdn_connect"
                "start_time": 15,
                "event": "ext_app",
                "prog": "",
                 "args": ["iperf -c -i 1 -u -b 1M -t 100"],

For more details about event type (flood, UDP uplink, UDP downlink, http, others.. ) and parameters please refer to lteue.pdf document, chapter 6.7 IP simulation messages

9.3 Remote control

Once scenario is running, it’s possible to remotely control the UEs and trigger some actions (such as turning off UEs or changing rf gains) either by using the command line monitor or through WebSocket.
For more details about command line and remote API, please refer to lteue.pdf section Remote API and Command line monitor.

Example of remote command :

./ws.js '{"message": "power_on","ue_id":2}' 

10 Downlink and Uplink transfer using iperf

For running Downlink and Uplink test, iperf can be used on both sides: Core network and LTE UE simulator.
Note that by default network namespace (netns) is required at UE side.

10.1 Introducing Linux Network Namespaces

A network namespace is logically another copy of the network stack, with its own routes, firewall rules, and network devices. In UE config file, when parameter tun_setup_script: "ue-ifup" is present, each UE gets its own (logical) Tun interface created.

You can then use it to select the UE PDN to be used for transmitting and receiving data, as described in the section below
The useful commands are :

10.2 Uplink test

For sending uplink traffic from multiple UEs with iperf:

10.3 Downlink test

For sending downlink traffic to multiple UE using iperf:

Note: any command can be run in the namespace, such as ping, ifconfig, etc..
Note: ifconfig command can be useful to link a UE network namespace to its eRAB IP address as intance

11 NB-IOT devices

11.1 Stand alone cell

When using standalone NB-IOT cell, only dl_earfcn has to be set in ue.cfg file. The ul_earfcn is automatically deduced

Note : If Uplink Downlink spacing doesn’t follow standard values, ul_earfcn must be set as well

11.2 Guard band and in band cell

In in-band and guard band modes, RB used for NB-IOT in uplink and downlink are configured by the network. Uplink EARFCN and frequency offset values used are broadcasted via SIB2.
UE SIM can not change dynamically the UL Freq based on SIB2 parameters. It’s then required to set those values (ul_earfcn and ul_carrier_freq_offset) manually in the ue.cfg file

Example of SIB2 message:


Note : If Amarisoft eNodeB is used, command cell can be used to display dl_earfcn

Example of ue.cfg file:

 bandwidth: 1.4,
 multi_ue: true,
 multi_ue_type: "nbiot",
 rel13_5: true,
  cells: [
      dl_earfcn:  6309, /* 806 MHz (Band 20) */
      n_antenna_dl: 1, /* number of downlink antennas */
      n_antenna_ul: 1,
      ul_earfcn: 24318,
      ul_carrier_freq_offset: 0,

12 Channel simulator

The LTE UE simulator embeds a channel simulator that can be used to alter UE measurements and simulate different radio conditions.
The main parameter to activate the channel simulation is: channel_sim
If set to "true", the UE channel simulator is enabled.

Note: Channel simulator is only available in multi UE mode (multi_ue = true).

On the downlink side, depending on the simulated UE path loss, the channel simulator modifies the PER (Packet Error Rate) of PDSCH and PDCCH and updates the measured RSRP and CQI.

On the uplink side, The signal level is modified accordingly. The path loss of each UE is computed according to the corresponding UE and cell positions, channel and antenna models.

12.1 Cell configuration

When the UE channel simulator is enabled (channel_sim = true), the following additional parameters must be provided (see lteue.pdf file for more details):

Here is an example of cell configuration defined in ue.cfg file:

bandwidth: 20,
multi_ue: true,
channel_sim: true,

cells: [
    dl_earfcn: 3350, /* 2680 MHz (band 7) */
    n_antenna_dl: 2, /* number of downlink antennas */
    n_antenna_ul: 1,
    global_timing_advance: -1,
    /* position (in meters) */
    position: [0, 0],
    ref_signal_power: 5, /* in dBm */
    /* Attenuation between the UE TX and eNodeB RX in dB. In
    LTESIM, it is equal to the path loss of the UE group. */
    ul_power_attenuation: 108,
    antenna: { type: "isotropic" },

12.2 UE parameters

When the UE channel simulator is enabled (channel_sim = true), the following UE parameters must be provided (see lteue.pdf file for more details):

Those parameters can be set manually in the file or configured automatically with the WebGui as described below.

Scenario creation through WebGui is the easiest way to simulate noise and mobility. Based on input parameters, WebGui will generate a random scenario and static channel simulation parameters.

However, if you need to get deeper control of UE position, speed and direction or set specific path loss parameters, you can set the initial value of UE list parameters in the ue.cfg file (See example of ue_list cfg file) and use the remote API as described below to move the UE position.

12.3 Channel simulation scenario using WebGui

The WebGui (ltewww) provides options to create scenario including channel simulation.

WebGui interface :


To activate channel simulation through WebGui :

Note that UE will be randomly placed inside the ring delimited by minimum and maximum distance

Example :

Let’s define the same values as the picture above :

This generates the following ue_list parameters :

ue_list: [
    "ue_id": 1,
    "imsi": "001010123456789",
    "imeisv": "2780880000000101",
    "K": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
    "sim_algo": "xor",
    "opc": "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F",
    "ue_category": 4,
    "min_distance": 0,
    "max_distance": 20,
    "noise_spd": -174,
    "position": [
    "direction": 42.431151896147014,
    "speed": 5,
    "channel": {
      "type": "awgn"
    /* If set, will override global parameter: channel_sim */ 
    "channel_sim": true,
    "pdsch_max_its": 6,
    "as_release": 8,
    "sim_events": []

As a result, with this scenario, UE will move from its initial position (5.71,3.27) following the direction(42.43°) at the speed of 5 km/h. Once UE has reached the max distance (20 meters), it will bounce with a random angle back inside the cell.


12.4 Channel simulation scenario through remote API

12.4.1 Cell configuration parameters to be provided:

See cell configuration parameters

12.4.2 UE configuration parameters to be provided:

see lteue.pdf for more details about these parameters.

Example of UE configuration file

ue_list: [
      /* USIM card data */
      imsi: "0010112345600",
      K: "00112233445566778899aabbccddee00",
      count: 10, 
      /* UE channel simulator parameters */
      position: [15, 0], /* starting position (in meters) */
      speed: 0, /* speed (km/h) (default = 0) */
      direction: 0, /* direction (degrees) (default = 0) */
      channel: {
        type: "awgn",

Once configured, the scenario can be run and UE parameters changed on the fly through the remote API

12.4.3 Command: "ue_move"

Move a UE to a specific position . Includes the following parameters :

Example of Websocket command :

./ws.js '{"message": "ue_move","ue_id":1,"position": 10,"speed": 5, ,"direction": 45}'

13 logging

13.1 Logging through WebGui

For logging LTE UE messages through webGui, please refer to ltewww.pdf documentation . Default LTE UE com addr is 9002

Note: ue.log file can be fetched under your PC /tmp folder without using the WebGui

13.2 Command line monitor

As described in lteue.pdf command line can be used to display logging information. t help command provides the list of options available

13.2.1 t spl command

t spl command provides key information about the UE signals

--TX 1----- --TX 2----- dBFS --RX 1----- --RX 2-----
-31.4 -16.7 -32.3 -382.3   0 -40.6 -28.4 -41.3 -29.2
-31.4 -16.7 -32.3 -382.3   0 -40.6 -28.4 -41.3 -29.1
-31.5 -16.7 -32.3 -382.3   0 -40.6 -28.6 -41.3 -28.3
-31.5 -16.7 -32.3 -382.3   0 -40.6 -28.3 -41.3 -28.8
-31.4 -16.7 -32.3 -382.3   0 -40.6 -28.5 -41.3 -28.7

Where, for TX:

And for RX:

13.2.2 t cpu command

t cpu command provides key informations about the CPU load.

-Proc-  ---RX--------   ---TX--------   ---- TX/RX diff (ms)
   CPU    MS/s    CPU     MS/s    CPU    min/avg/max sigma
51.8%   23.040   6.6%   23.040   1.6%   2.23/2.8/3.3 0.2
52.9%   23.040   6.6%   23.039   1.6%   1.97/2.8/3.3 0.2
52.3%   23.040   6.6%   23.041   1.5%   2.20/2.8/3.3 0.2
51.4%   23.040   6.6%   23.040   1.6%   2.20/2.8/3.3 0.2
50.8%   23.040   6.6%   23.039   1.6%   2.19/2.8/3.3 0.2

t cpu shows CPU consumption for the main LTE task (Proc), the reception chain (RX) or transmission chain (TX). Units are MS/s (Million of sample per second)

On top of that, t cpu command provides informations on TX-RX delay: The min, average and max values are given in miliseconds. To make it simple, in LTE FDD mode as instance, UE is granted in Uplink 4 TTI (4 ms) before data have to be sent. UE has by consequence 4ms to generate the UL samples. The RX/TX delay is the remaining time before data are processed and time they must be sent in UL. If this value decreases to zero, this means that PC is too slow and physical layer is running out of CPU to process the data within this period. The higher is the TX/RX value is , the better it is.

13.2.3 t command

t command (without argument) provides key informations about the Uplink and downlink transfer

-------------- --Hz--ppm---dB----dBm---------------------DL---------  ---------UL----- 
 UE_ID CL RNTI  CFO  SRO  SINR  RSRP  mcs  retx rxko rxok  brate mcs  ta retx  tx  brate 
4G  1  00 003d -898 -3.5  32.1 -44.0  27.8  0    0   6192  209M  20.0  0  0    50  21.3k 
4G  1  00 003d -900 -3.5  32.1 -44.0  27.8  0    0   6208  210M  20.0  0  0    50  21.0k 
4G  1  00 003d -900 -3.5  32.1 -44.0  27.8  0    0   6192  209M  20.0  0  0    50  21.0k 
4G  1  00 003d -901 -3.5  32.1 -44.0  27.7  14   4   6204  208M  21.0  0  0    64  292k

Where :

14 Advanced options

14.1 Remote UE

When using tunnel interface with external program, you may want external program to be run on a different PC. The Remote UE tool allows you to transfer IP traffic from each UE to a remote entity.


On the remote PC :

Note : You don’t need any specific license. lterue uses GTP over SCTP to communicate with LTEUE.

On the UE simulator PC:

Setup is now configured and ready for running scenario either manually or with Webgui

When using WebGui:

When scenario is run manually:
In ue.cfg file, add for each UE, under ue_list:

Now, If you go back to remote PC:

14.2 External application

You can replace predefined simulation by a custom application. For this, choose Application in IP simulation list.
When started, the external application will fork a process and return its standard output and error.

To handle dedicated application, please take a look at libsim_custom.js file in LTEWWW component.
You can add specific result handler using tag for association.

Note that it requires associated UE to be configured in tunnel mode or with remote UE mode and thus IP simulations can’t be mixed.

14.3 External SIM

External SIM card can be used using PCSC-Lite lib, which is supported on Amarisoft LTE UE simulator
To do so :

15 Troubleshooting

15.1 No SIB found

When running LTE UE simulator, before creating any UE or starting scenario, the first output that should be displayed on the shell is "(ue) Cell 0: SIB found". This means that LTE UE simulator has detected the eNodeB and can read the SIB. This is a prerequisite before running any tests.
If this message is not displayed, here is a check list that can help to find the root cause:

If all checks above haven’t been enough to figure out why eNodeB signal is not detected, you can also use the spectrum analyzer function embedded in the UE simulator to verify the LTE signal quality received in downlink. See trx_sdr.pdf documentation for more details.

15.2 SIB found but attach fails

When multiple UE mode is enabled, UE simulator may have difficulties to synchronize with eNodeB signal. If such a case occurs, you should see that UE is able to receive SIBs but further communications fails with bad CRC on physical layer.

This means that you should adjust the parameter global_timing_advance in your configuration file. The global_timing_advance parameter can be set automatically by using the special value -1 (global_timing_advance:-1). If automatic mode is set, the UE simulator uses the timing advance from the first received RAR for all UEs. This is the default behavior.

You can also manually adjust the timing advance for all UEs in case you still experience CRC erros with automatic mode. You can check TA value on eNodeB side and set it to minus 1 in UE
(global_timing_ advance = TA[enb] - 1). if you are using simulator with Amarisoft eNodeB, you can type t at eNodeB screen and look at PRACH traces.

Then, use ta value minus one as global_timing_advance.

PRACH: cell=01 seq=17 ta=2 snr=18.5 dB
PRACH: cell=01 seq=22 ta=2 snr=18.0 dB
PRACH: cell=01 seq=23 ta=2 snr=18.5 dB
PRACH: cell=01 seq=29 ta=3 snr=17.6 dB

In this example, adjust global_timing_advance to 1.

If you are using another eNodeB and you do not have access to eNodeB logs and information, you can enable the PHY and MAC layer logs in UE simulator and look for ta value in MAC traces

12:13:37.086 [MAC] -  0001 ta=13 ul_grant=128768 c_rnti=0x0047

In this example, you should set the global_timing_advance to 12.

15.3 Downlink peak throughput not achieved

If peak throughput is not achieved in Downlink, a first investigation can be done at physical layer using the webGui. In the main panel, click on analytics button. A new window will pop up. Note : physical layer trace level must be set to debug prior to the testing.


In this new window, several statistics are displayed and provide useful information about UE performance


Displays Downlink and Uplink throughput at physical layer


CQI values reported by the UE to the eNodeB. A low CQI value means that Downlink channel quality is low and results in low throughput in downlink as eNodeB will use small MCS

Rank indicator

Rank Indicator values reported by UE to the eNodeB. A RI of 0 means that UE is not able to receive data in MIMO mode (TM3) and results in lower throughput . This can be caused by a low SNR, or a high correlation between two antenna stream or simply because the n_antenna_dl parameter as been set to 1 in the ue.cfg file


TPC (Transmit power control) average values received by the eNodeB. Note: When channel simulation is disabled, TPC command are not taken into account by the UE. The transmit power is set in the configuration file

RX/TX packets

Display number of packet received and sent with good and bad CRC (cyclic redundancy check) This graphic give a good overview of the downlink/uplink performance. In perfect radio conditions, no packet with bad CRC should be received by UE or eNodeB. Having a high number of bad CRC indicates that RF path is not optimal or that UE is running out of CPU.
t cpu command provides CPU indication at UE side.

15.4 RRC_STATE locking value

When running NB-IOT test, the RRC state may report "Locking" value . This is visible when typing "ue" command in LTE UE screen. This state means that LTE UE has not been able to synchronize on eNodeB side. This is likely due to wrong EARFCN or RX signal level

15.5 Connection to webGui fails

If your browser fails to load the webGui page (xx.xx.xx.xx/lte), check that :

If the main page can be loaded but connection to server fails, check that

15.6 TRX discontinuity too wide

TRX discontinuity too wide means that frames number on cell 1 and 2 are misaligned . This may have several root causes.