
Monitoring daemon
version 2024-05-17*
This document is based on the latest test release.
Features may not be present in your current installed software. You may check their availability in change history or in your release documentation.
If you require an up to date release, ask for it in a ticket.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

Monitoring daemon is a software daemon allowing to monitor state of other Amarisoft software components:

It allows to log events such as component starting, stopping or related errors.
It can also trigger alarms sent by email.
A daemon instance can be set as a proxy to gather information from other remote daemon on different machines.

2 Requirements

2.1 Software requirements

3 Installation

LTEMONITOR can be run directly from the directory when it was unpacked.
However, for convenience, we recommend to install it from the script of your Amarisoft release tarball.

3.1 Linux setup

3.1.1 Packages

LTEMONITOR requires nodejs to run.
ssmtp may also be required to send alarms through emails.
Note that those package are automatically installed by script.

3.2 License key installation

LTEMONITOR does not require any license key to run.

4 Events

Purpose of LTEMONITOR is to monitor events coming from software components.
Events are dumped into log file and may generate alarms.
An event is defined by the following properties:

4.1 Level

Event level can be:

4.2 State event

Those events apply to all software components.

INFO or WARN if component was previously in error state

4.3 Network link events

Network link of software component generate event when their state is changing.
The section is the link name and the title can be:

In case of connection error, disconnected event will be raised with WARN level.
When the connection becomes up again, connected event will be raise with WARN level.
For other cases, the level is always INFO.

section will identify link type and depends on component as below:

eNBS1, NGconnected
MMERx, Cx, S6, S13, SGs, N12connected
IMSRx, Cxconnected

4.4 Error events

The following events always have a level set to ERROR.

AllAUTHfailureOccurs when monitor fails to connect to component
AllCONFIGSyntax error
internal error

Config file syntax error
Config file is missing
Internal error
AllINITUnexpected termination
License error
Config error
Software component has accidentaly stopped (crash, signal...)
Component can’t start because of license
Component can’t start because of invalid configuration file
AllRUNTIMEUnexpected termination
License error
Software component has accidentaly stopped (crash, signal...) Component stops working because of license
INITRF frontendRadio frontend initialization error
MonitorSYSTEMHigh disk usageSystem disk is being full

5 Email configuration

LTEMONITOR uses ssmtp to end emails.
Thus, you need a file to configure your SMTP server.
The syntax of the file can be found on or by looking at /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf.

Once you have created your configuration file, you may try it with the script you will find under LTEMONITOR directory.


./ ssmtp.conf
[<-] 220 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ESMTP Postfix
[->] EHLO
[<-] 250 DSN
[<-] 334 xxxxxxxxxxxx
[->] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[<-] 334 xxxxxxxxxxxx
[<-] 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
[->] MAIL FROM:<>
[<-] 250 2.1.0 Ok
[->] RCPT TO:<>
[<-] 250 2.1.5 Ok
[->] DATA
[<-] 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
[->] Received: by (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Thu, 04 Jun 2020 18:32:09 +0200
[->] Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 18:32:09 +0200
[->] From:
[->] To:
[->] Subject: Amarisoft monitor e-mail test
[->] Sent from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at Thu 04 Jun 2020 06:32:09 PM CEST
[->] .
[<-] 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 30B2D40008
[->] QUIT
[<-] 221 2.0.0 Bye

You can also test emails sent by LTEMONITOR by running it in command line this way:

./ltemonitor.js config/monitor.cfg --test-email 'emailID'

This will send an email from template according to your configuration file.
Note that lte service should be stopped.

6 Statistics

Software component are able to provide statistics via stats remote API.
LTEMONITOR is able to aggregate those statistics over time and provide perdiodical reports.

See Statistics configuration.

Statistics are stored in a directory defined by configuration.
A subdirectory named by hostname will contain the information for the local machine and each machine connected via proxy.

Inside each host subdirectory, LTEMONITOR will store files with the following pattern:


Statistics type can be:

Each file is in JSON format representing an object.
All statistics files have the following common members:


String. stats or cdr.


Object with following members:


Integer. Statistic version

String. Component ID.

String. Component name.


Number. Start time in seconds (Since Jan 1st 1970).


Number. End time in seconds (Since Jan 1st 1970).


String. Component hostname


Optional array. Custom fields from host monitor custom_fields configuration (See custom_fields).
Each element of the array is an object representing a custom field with its id, title and value.

6.1 Stats

Global statistics depend on software components and have following members


Protocol message counters.
Check definition in stats remote API message (Remote API/Common message section) of the associated software component documentation.


PDN statistics for MME component.
Check definition in stats remote API message (Remote API/Common message section) of MME component documentation.


Per cells statistics for ENB component.
Check definition in stats remote API message (Remote API/Common message section) of ENB component documentation.

6.2 cdr

CDR data can have following members:


For MME component.
Array of bearers with following properties:


String. Associated UE IMSI.


String. Associated UE IMEI.


String. Access point name


String. ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6, non-ip or unstructured.


String. IPv4 address.


String: IPv6 address prefix


Integer. Number of downlink bytes gone through this bearer.


Integer. Number of uplink bytes gone through this bearer.


Number. Bearer lifetime in seconds.


Integer. Bearer establishment date in seconds since Jan 1st 1970.


For IMS component.
Array of SMS event with following properties:


String. SMS sender IMPU.


String. SMS destination IMPU.


String. MO or MT.


For IMS component.
Array of IMS calls with following properties:


String. MO or MT.


String. SMS sender IMPU.

String. SMS destination IMPU.

Integer. Call establishment date in seconds since Jan 1st 1970.


Number. Call duration in seconds.


Integer. Number of media data sent in bytes.


Integer. Number of media data received in bytes.

7 Configuration reference

7.1 Configuration file syntax

The main configuration file uses a syntax very similar to the Javascript Object Notation (JSON) with few extensions.

  1. Supported types:
    • - Numbers (64 bit floating point). Notation: 13.4
    • - Complex numbers. Notation: 1.2+3*I
    • - Strings. Notation: "string"
    • - Booleans. Notation: true or false.
    • - Objects. Notation: { field1: value1, field2: value2, .... }
    • - Arrays. Notation: [ value1, value2, .... ]
  2. The basic operations +, -, * and / are supported with numbers and complex numbers. + also concatenates strings. The operators !, ||, &&, ==, !=, <, <=, >=, > are supported too.
  3. The numbers 0 and 1 are accepted as synonyms for the boolean values false and true.
  4. {} at top level are optional.
  5. " for property names are optional, unless the name starts with a number.
  6. Properties can be duplicated.
    Merge will be done by recursively overriding values considering reading direction.
        value: "foo",
        value: "bar",
        sub: {
            value: "foo"
        sub: {
            value: "bar"

    Will be equivalent to:

        value: "bar",
        sub: {
            value: "bar"
  7. Files can be included using include keyword (must not be quoted) followed by a string (without :) representing the file to include (path is relative to current file) and terminating by a comma.
    Arrays can’t be included.
    Merge will be done as for duplicate properties.
    If file1.cfg is:
        value: "foo",
        include "file2.cfg",
        foo: "foo"

    And file2.cfg is:

        value: "bar",
        foo: "bar"

    Final config will be:

        value: "bar",
        foo: "foo"
  8. A C like preprocessor is supported. The following preprocessor commands are available:
    #define var expr

    Define a new variable with value expr. expr must be a valid JSON expression. Note that unlike the standard C preprocessor, expr is evaluated by the preprocessor.

    #undef var

    Undefine the variable var.

    #include expr

    Include the file whose filename is the evaluation of the string expression expr.

    #if expr

    Consider the following text if expr is true.


    Alternative of #if block.


    Composition of #else and #if.


    End of #if block.

    #ifdef var

    Shortcut for #if defined(var)

    #ifndef var

    Shortcut for #if !defined(var)

    In the JSON source, every occurrence of a defined preprocessor variable is replaced by its value.

  9. Backquote strings: JSON expression can be inserted in backquote delimited strings with the ${expr} syntax. Example: `abc${1+2}d` is evaluated as the string "abc3d". Preprocessor variables can be used inside the expression. Backquote strings may span several lines.

7.2 Properties


String. Set the log filename. If no leading /, it is relative to the configuration file path. See Log file format.


String. Set the logging options as a comma separated list of assignments.

  • layer.level=verbosity. For each layer, the log verbosity can be set to none, error, info or debug. In debug level, the content of the transmitted data is logged.
  • layer.max_size=n. When dumping data content, at most n bytes are shown in hexa. For ASN.1, NAS or Diameter content, show the full content of the message if n > 0.
  • layer.payload=[0|1]. Dump ASN.1, NAS, SGsAP or Diameter payload in hexadecimal.
  • layer.key=[0|1]. Dump security keys (NAS and RRC layers).
  • layer.crypto=[0|1]. Dump plain and ciphered data (NAS and PCDP layers).
  • time=[sec|short|full]. Display the time as seconds, time only or full date and time (default = time only).
  •[0|1]. Dump time with microseconds precision.
  • file=cut. Close current file log and open a new one.
  • file.rotate=now. Rename current log with timestamp and open new one.
  • file.rotate=size. Rename current log every time it reaches size bytes open new one. Size is an integer and can be followed by K, M or G.
  • file.path=path. When log rotation is enabled, move current log to this path instead of initial log path.
  • append=[0|1]. (default=0). If 0, truncate the log file when opening it. Otherwise, append to it.

Available layers are: MON, EVENT or <component name>


Optional boolean (default = false). If true, logs will be synchronously dumped to file.
Warning, this may lead to performances decrease.


Optional string. Address of the WebSocket server remote API. See Remote API.
If set, the WebSocket server for remote API will be enabled and bound to this address.
Default port is 9007.
Setting IP address to [::] will make remote API reachable through all network interfaces.


Optional string. Sets server name. MONITOR by default


Optional boolean (default is false). If true, logs configuration can’t be changed via config_set remote API.


Optional object. If set, remote API access will require authentication.
Authentication mechanism is describe in Remote API Startup section.


Optional string. Defines filename where password is stored (plaintext).
If not set, password must be set


Optional string. Defines password.
If not set, passfile must be set.


Optional boolean (default false). If set, allow password to be sent plaintext.
NB: you should set it to true if you access it from a Web Browser (Ex: Amarisoft GUI) without SSL (https) as your Web Browser may prevent secure access to work.


Optional number (Default = 8192). Defines number of logs to keep in memory before dropping them.
Must be between 4096 and 2097152).


Optional object. If set, events and alarms will be forwarded to other instance of LTEMONITOR on its remote API interface (com_addr), See Proxy.


Optional object. If set, statistics will be aggregated to generate periodical reports. See Statistics and See Statistics configuration


Optional object. If set, configuration directories of each software component will be backed-up. See Backup configuration


Optional array of object. Each object represent an email configuration that may be used to send alarms.
Each email has the following properties:

String. Alarm ID. If not set, this email configuration will be the default one, else alarms with same ID will use this configuration.
Note that id must be unique and only one default configuration is allowed.


String. Sender email address.

String. Email address to send email alarm to.


String. SSMTP configuration file, See SSMTP.


String. Email template file.
Emails will be generated using this template file (See Email template).


Optional object. If present, defines the aggregation method to avoid sending too many emails for an alarm.
The object is defined this way:


Number. Time in seconds for alarm aggregation aggregation.


Integer. Minimum amount of generated alarms to trigger an email sending.

When an alarm is triggered, a first email is sent. If same alarm is generated within the delay period, no email will be sent. When the delay has expired, an email with aggregated information will be sent if at least count alarms have been triggered.
In that case, the delay period will be restarted, else, the aggregation mechanism is disabled until a new alarm happens.
Alarms will be aggregated if they have same LEVEL, HOST, COMP and TITLE.


Array of object. Each item will represent an alarm trigger (See Alarms).
Each event will be compared to alarms filter and if it matches one of them, alarm will be generated.
If multiple alarms definition matches, multiple alarms may be raised.


Optional array of object. Each item will represent a custom column displayed within monitor tab of web interface. Each column has the following parameters:

  • title Title of the column
  • id ID of the field
  • stats Optional boolean (default: true). If set to false, custom field won’t be dumped inside stats files.


Optional object. Each property name represents the ID of the field and each property value represents its value to be displayd in web interface.


Optional object. If set, LTEMONITOR will monitor system state.
Properties are the following:


Optional number (default = 60). Delay in seconds for polling system state and generating alarms.


Optional number (default = 95). Percentage of disk usage to consider disk as full and generating alarm.

7.2.1 Proxy

When a proxy is set, events will be sent to the designated LTEMONITOR.
Alarms will be triggered by local alarms configuration but email sending will be up to remote proxy.

State of the component will also be forwarded to remote proxy.

If remote proxy is not reachable, local LTEMONITOR may store events on local storage until connection is successful.


String. IP address of the remote LTEMONITOR instance.


String. If set, represents directory name where not forwarded events are stored.
Events are permanently stored and will resist upon service restart.
If value is not an absolute path, it will be relative to configuration file location.


Number. Maximum lifetime in seconds of events in store.
Events will be removed if proxy has not been reached for longer than this value.


Optional number (default = 30). Connection timeout in seconds.


Optional integer (default = 20). Represents maximum number of events sent at once to proxy.

7.2.2 Email template

Emails template is a file from which emails will be generated.
It can include comments delimited by # character.

It has to follow rfc2822.

Which means that it must starts with headers terminated by an empty line and followed by email body.

Note that at least Subject header as From and To headers are generated by LTEMONITOR.

You may take a look at alarm.tpl example provided in config subdirectory.

Inside email template, you can use variables that will be replaced during email generation by the information related to event.
Here is the list of variables:

7.2.3 Alarms

Each alarm has following properties:


String. Alarm ID. Used to match email configuration.


Optional number (default = 0). When an event matches multiple alarms filters, only the alarm with the highest priority will be triggered.
Multiple alarms can have the same priority.


Array of object. To trigger an alarm, event must match one of the filters.
A filter is an object where each property/value couple represents an event property and the pattern to apply on its value.
Property names are:

  • level
  • component
  • section
  • title

Value of each property is a string representing a regular expression (JavaScript convention).
All properties must match to trigger the alarm.
If no property is set (Filter is an empty object), filter will always match.


  level: 'ERROR|WARN'

Here, alarms will be triggered for all events that has a level of ERROR or WARN

  section: 'Rx|Cx',
  title: '.*connected'

Here, alarms will be triggered on events connected and disconnected generated by Rx or Cx section.

7.2.4 Statistics configuration

Stats configuration is defined as followed:


String. CRON style string defining when to generate report.
The format is "<week day>:<month>:<month day>:<hour>:<minute>:<seconds>" where each element can be:

  • * meaning report will be generate on each value.
  • <n> where <n> is a number defining the report generation time.
  • <a>-<b> where <a> and <b> are numbers defining a range when the report generation will occur
  • <n1>,<n2>,...,<ni> where each <nx> is one of the other definition above.

If less than 6 elements are defined, time is completed (on right side) by * for each missing elements (Ex: "2:0:0" means "*:*:*:2:0:0:").


1 report will be generated every day at 10pm.

2 reports will be generated every day at 4am and 10pm.

A report will be generated every 5 minutes.

6 reports will be generated every hour at minutes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15.

One report will be generated each monday at 2pm.


Optional boolean (default = true). Defines whether time parameter is considered as UTC time or local time.


String. If set, represents directory name where report will be stored in JSON format.
If value is not an absolute path, it will be relative to configuration file location. This parameter is mandatory if proxy is not set.
If proxy is set, the store won’t be used and reports will be forwarded to remote LTEMONITOR.
See Statistics for details about data format


Number. Mandatory if proxy is not set. Lifetime in seconds of generated report files.


Optional number (default = 0). If set, statistics dumped to store will be indented.


Optional string. If set, group owner of stats file will be set to this value.


Optional number (default = 0640). Stats file unix style permission.


Optional boolean (default = true). Enable or disable statistics gathering on local machine. It does not prevent proxy client/server communication.


Optional number (default = 5). Poll interval in seconds of stats for each component.


Optional number. If set, some statistics will have a shorter sampling time and will be aggregate inside stat files with an array. The value represents the stats sampling time in seconds.

7.2.5 Backup configuration

Backup mechanism allows to backup configuration of each software component, including remote one connected through proxy.


See Statistics configuration


See Statistics configuration


String. If set, represents directory name where report will be stored in JSON format.
If value is not an absolute path, it will be relative to configuration file location.


See Statistics configuration


Optional string. If set, group owner of stats file will be set to this value.


See Statistics configuration

8 Remote API

You can access LTEMONITOR via a remote API.
Protocol used is WebSocket as defined in RFC 6455 (

Note that Origin header is mandatory for the server to accept connections.
This behavior is determined by the use of nopoll library.
Any value will be accepted.

8.1 Messages

Messages exchanged between client and LTEMONITOR server are in strict JSON format.

Each message is represented by an object. Multiple message can be sent to server using an array of message objects.

Time and delay values are floating number in seconds.

There are 3 types of messages:

8.2 Startup

When WebSocket connections is setup, LTEMONITOR will send a first message with name set to com_name and type set to MONITOR.

If authentication is not set, message will be ready:

    "message": "ready",
    "type": "MONITOR",
    "name": <com_name>

If authentication is set, message will be authenticate :

    "message": "authenticate",
    "type": "MONITOR",
    "name": <com_name>,
    "challenge": <random challenge>

To authenticate, the client must answer with a authenticate message and a res parameter where:

res = HMAC-SHA256( "<type>:<password>:<name>", "<challenge>" )

res is a string and HMAC-SHA256 refers to the standard algorithm (

If the authentication succeeds, the response will have a ready field set to true.

    "message": "authenticate",
    "message_id": <message id>,
    "ready": true

If authentication fails, the response will have an error field and will provide a new challenge.

    "message": "authenticate",
    "message_id": <message id>,
    "error": <error message>,
    "type": "MONITOR",
    "name: <name>,
    "challenge": <new random challenge>

If any other message is sent before authentication succeeds, the error "Authentication not done" will be sent as a response.

8.3 Errors

If a message produces an error, response will have an error string field representing the error.

8.4 Sample nodejs program

You will find in this documentation a sample program: ws.js.
It is located in doc subdirectory.
This is a nodejs program that allow to send message to LTEMONITOR.
It requires nodejs to be installed:

dnf install nodejs npm
npm install nodejs-websocket

Use relevant package manager instead of NPM depending on your Linux distribution.

Then simply start it with server name and message you want to send:

./ws.js '{"message": "config_get"}'

8.5 Common messages


Retrieve current config.

Response definition:


Always "MONITOR"

String representing server name.


Object representing log configuration.
With following elements:


Object. Each member of the object represent a log layer configuration:

layer name

Object. The member name represent log layer name and parameters are:


See log_options


See log_options


See log_options


See log_options


See log_options


Number. Number of bufferizer logs.


Optional number. Max log file size before rotation.


Optional string. Log rotation path.


Boolean. True if BCCH dump is enabled (eNB only).


Boolean. True if MIB dump is enabled (eNB only).


Optional boolean. If true, logs configuration can’t be changed with config_set API.


Change current config.
Each member is optional.
Message definition:


Optional object. Represent logs configuration. Same structure as config_get (See config_get logs member).
All elements are optional.
Layer name can be set to all to set same configuration for all layers.
If set and logs are locked, response will have logs property set to locked.


Get logs.
Message definition:


Optional number (default = 1). Minimum amount of logs to retrieve.
Response won’t be sent until this limit is reached (Unless timeout occurs).


Optional number (default = 4096). Maximum logs sent in a response.


Optional number (default = 1). If at least 1 log is available and no more logs have been generated for this time, response will be sent.


Optional boolean (default = false). If set, response will be sent after timeout, event if no logs are available.


Optional number. If set, send only logs matching rnti.


Optional number. If set, send only logs with matching ue_id.


Optional Object. Each member name represents a log layer and values must be string representing maximum level. See log_options.
If layers is not set, all layers level will be set to debug, else it will be set to none.
Note also the logs is also limited by general log level. See log_options.


Optional boolean (default = false). If set, only first line of logs will be dumped.


Optional boolean. If set, send log file headers.


Optional number. Is set, filter logs older than this value in milliseconds.


Optional number. Is set, filter logs more recent than this value in milliseconds.


Optional number (default = 1048576, i.e. 1MB). Maximum size in bytes of the generated JSON message. If the response exceeds this size, the sending of logs will be forced independently from other parameters.

Response definition:


Array. List of logs. Each item is a an object with following members:

Array. Each item is a string representing a line of log.


Number. Milliseconds since January 1st 1970.


String. Log layer.


String. Log level: error, warn, info or debug.


Optional string. Log direction: UL, DL, FROM or TO.


Optional number. UE_ID.


Optional number (only for PHY layer logs). Cell ID.


Optional number (only for PHY layer logs). RNTI.


Optional number (only for PHY layer logs). Frame number (Subframe is decimal part).

Optional string (only for PHY layer logs). Channel name.


String. Server name.


Integer. Log index.


Optional array. Array of strings.


Optional number. If set, this means some logs have been discarded due to log buffer overflow.

Note that only one request can be sent by client.
If a request is sent before previous one has returned, previous one will be sent without matchine min/max/timeout conditions.


Add log.
Message definition:


Optional string. Log message to add. If set, layer and level are mandatory.


String. Layer name. Only mandatory if log is set.


String. Log level: error, warn, info or debug. Only mandatory if log is set.


Optional string. Log direction: UL, DL, FROM or TO.


Optional number. UE_ID.


Optional boolean (default = false). If set, flushes fog file.


Optional boolean (default = false). If set, forces log file rotation.


Optional boolean (default = false). If set, forces log file reset.


Resets logs buffer.


Terminates ltemonitor.


Provides list of available messages in messages array of strings and events to register in events array of strings.


Report statistics for LTEMONITOR.
Every time this message is received by server, statistics are reset.
Warning, calling this message from multiple connections simultaneously will modify the statistics sampling time.

Response definition:


Object. Each member name defines a type and its value cpu load in % of one core.


Number. Constant over process lifetime. Changes on process restart.


Object. List of counters, with following sub members:


Object. Each member name is the message name and its value is its occurence.
To get list of message, type cevent help msg in LTEMONITOR monitor.


Object. Each member name is the error name and its value is its occurence.
To get list of message, type cevent help error in LTEMONITOR monitor.


Register client to message generated by server. Message definition:


String or array of string. List of message to register to.
Can be components


String or array of string. List of message to unregister.
Can be components

8.6 LTE messages


Get components informations.

Response definition:


Object. Each property name represents component ID and property value its state:


String. Component state.

String. Component ID.

String. Component name.


String. Component type.

String. Additional information depending on state.

8.7 Remote events

Following events are sent by PROG if they have been registered on WebSocket.


Generated when any component state has changed.


Object. See Components.

8.8 Examples

  1. Config
    1. Client sends
          "message": "config_get",
          "message_id": "foo"
    2. Server replies
          "message_id": "foo",
          "message": "config_get",
          "name": "UE",
          "logs": {
              "phy": {
                  "level": "error",
                  "max_size": 0
              "rrc": {
                  "level": "debug",
                  "max_size": 1
  2. Error
    1. Client sends
          "message": "bar",
          "message_id": "foo"
    2. Server replies
          "message_id": "foo",
          "message": "bar",
          "error": "Unknown message: bar"

9 Log file format

9.1 EVENT layer

When an EVENT message is dumped, the format is:

time [layer] timestamp|hostname|level|component|section|title|message

Note that time of log may differ from event timestamp as event may come from a remote machine.

9.2 Other layers

time [layer] message

10 Change history

10.1 Version 2023-03-17

10.2 Version 2022-12-16

10.3 Version 2022-09-16

10.4 Version 2022-06-17

11 License

ltemonitor is copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft. Its redistribution without authorization is prohibited.

ltemonitor is available without any express or implied warranty. In no event will Amarisoft be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

For more information on licensing, please refer to license terms.


Software component

Any Amarisoft component such as MME, IMS, eNB, MBMSGW or UE.