
libsdr errors:

"Invalid DMA channel index"
selected DMA channel is not supported of this SDR
"DMA channel is already opened"
selected DMA channel is already opened (for CPRI board that support multiple DMA channels)
"RF not supported"
trying to initialize a non SDR board (ex: CPRI) as a RF device
"*** Can't initialize phy ***"
low level SDR initialisation error
"SSS: could not launch network script: EEE"
Could not execute network configuration script named SSS for reason EEE
"SSS: could not execute configuration script"
network configuration script SSS failed
"Error: could not open /dev/net/tun"
Could not open tun network interface
"Error: could not configure /dev/net/tun"
Could not set parameters on tun interface
"Invalid tx_delay: DDD"
specified cpri_tx_delay is larger than 1 second
"CPRI TX start timeout on DDD"
Error waiting for TX packet change on sdr device DDD
"Clock of device 'DDD' is not master - please check cables"
"Clock of device 'DDD' is not slave - please check cables"
Clock source of SDR device DDD should be set as master for the first one and slave for the others
May happen when cables are not configured correctly, or external source is invalid.
"PLL of device 'DDD' is not locked - please check cables"
SDR device DDD clock PLL cannot lock.
May happen when cables are not configured correctly, or external source is invalid.
"Error: Timeout while waiting for the PPS"
Timeout waiting for a valid SYNC signal (PPS).
"Error: GPS time not available for sync"
Sync is set as GPS but no signal received.
"Ignoring invalid pps_extra_delay: FFF"
parameter 'pps_extra_delay' must be in range -10000us to +10000us
"Can't init thread"
Fatal system error
"ERROR: OverTemp on 'DDD':  FPGA:FFF°  RFIC:RRR°"
Temperature is above threshold for device DDD
Exiting process

TRX API errors:

"ABI compatibility mismatch between LTEENB and TRX driver (LTEENB ABI version=LLL, TRX driver ABI version=TTT)"
Incompatible call to the TRX API: please update all Amarisoft software
"SDR driver: 'args' parameter"
Missing args parameter
"Could not open SDR driver"
SDR device listed in args is invalid or busy
"expecting cpri_mult parameter"
Missing 'cpri_mult' parameter
"unsupported CPRI mult: MMM"
parameter 'cpri_mult' must be in [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 16]
"unsupported CPRI mapping: MMM"
parameter 'cpri_mapping' can be 'standard', 'spread', 'hw', bf1'
"unsupported CPRI EQ mode: EEE"
parameter 'cpri_eq_mode' can be 'lpm', 'dfe'
"unsupported time synchronization source: SSS"
parameter 'sync' can be 'non', 'internal', 'gps', 'external'
"unsupported clock source: CCC"
parameter 'clock' can be 'internal', 'external'
"unsupported hardware sample format: FFF"
parameter 'sample_hw_fmt' can be 'auto', 'ci16', 'cf8'
"unsupported RX antenna configuration: RRR (possible choices: auto, tx_rx, rx)"
parameter 'rx_antenna'
"unsupported GPIO0 signal: GGG"
"unsupported GPIO1 signal: GGG"
parameters gpio0, gpio1 can be;
    'pps_selected', 'pps_ext', 'pps_prev', 'pps_gps', 'pps_vcxo',
    'dma_rx', 'dma_tx', 'dma_rx_100Hz', 'dma_tx_100Hz',
    'dma1_rx', 'dma1_tx', 'dma1_rx_100Hz', 'dma1_tx_100Hz',
    'rf_dts1', 'rf_dts2'
"unsupported DTS polarity: DDD (possible choices: high, low)"
parameter 'dts_polarity'

SDR50 init errors:

"Read Error EE"
"Write Error EE"
error reading or writing on SPI bus
"Calibration TIMEOUT (0x%X, 0x%X)"
Error trying to calibrate RFIC
"Failed to set RX Synth ref clock rate (EE)"
"Failed to set RX Synth rate (EE)"
"Failed to enable RX Synth ref clock (EE)"
"Failed to set TX Synth ref clock rate (EE)"
"Failed to set TX Synth rate (EE)"
"Failed to enable TX Synth ref clock (EE)"
Error setting dividers for RFIC clock: probably unsupported RF frequency

SDR100 init errors

"Null RX Freq and TX Freq"
TX and RX RF freq are zero
"Invalid RX Freq: FFF MHz"
"Invalid TX Freq: FFF MHz"
TX and RX RF frequencies must be between 300 MHz and 6 GHz
"ad9371_init FAIL"
"CLKPLL not locked (EE)"
Low level internal error: retry
"MCS failed: "
"Check sync source"
RFIC cannot sync to specified sync source: check cables
"PLLs not locked (EE)"
RFIC clock cannot lock for RF frequency: retry
"Error MYKONOS_setupAuxAdcs:"
"Error MYKONOS_setupTempSensor:"
"Error MYKONOS_setAuxAdcChannel:"
"Error MYKONOS_readTempSensor:"
Error reading AD9371 temperature