
NR UAI (UE-Assistance Information)


The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to configure gNB so that it can handle UE assistance Information from UE. UE assistance information is a special set of RRC messages introduced since Release 16 mainly for several purpose summarized below. (This is short summary, for the details specified in 3gpp, refer to 38.331-

As of now, Amarisoft support the receptions of many of the UAI message but the gNb does not necessarily takes action (see its documentation for more details).

NOTE : This feature is supported from Release 2022-09-16



Table of Contents



Test Setup


Test setup for this tutorial is as shown below.  This is just for low layer testing, you may not need any complicated IP layer setup.

If you have a commercial UE that support UE assistance information with Release Preference, you can use the Setup A. If you don't have any commercial UE supporting this feature but have Amarisoft UEsim you can use Setup B. In this Test, Setup B is used.


Setup A

This setup is the case where you use a commerical UE as a DUT supporting UAI (UE-Assistance Information)

TestSetup Callbox UE 1sdr 01


Setup B

This setup is the case where you use a commerical Amarisoft UEsim as a DUT supporting UAI (UE-Assistance Information)

TestSetup Callbox UEsim 1sdr 01



Key Configuration Parameters


Followings are important configuration parameters for this tutorial. You may click on the items for the descriptions from Amarisoft documents.

Following is Remote_API configuration on UEsim to trigger UE assistance information message.



Test 1 : Release Preference - RRC Inactive

This test is to show how to configure and test a case of UAI for Release Preference with RRC Inactive. This is to let gNB to have preference of releasing with RRC Inactive instead of regular release.



The configuration shown here is common configuration for all the subtests belonging to Test 1 and I will not show this configuration repeatedly for every subtest.

I have used gnb-sa-uai-rrc-state.cfg which is copied and modified from gnb-sa.cfg on Callbox (gNB)

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 01

I am using mme-ims-cn-assistance.cfg and ims config as shown below.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 02

On UEsim, I used ue-nr-uai-rrc-inactive.cfg which has been copied and modified from ue-nr-sa.cfg (NOTE : If you are using the commercial UE as a DUT, you don't need this step. Just make it sure that your UE support UE-assistance-information for release-preference).

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 03


gnb-sa-uai-rrc-state.cfg  is configured as follows.

In gNB configuration, both rrc_inactive and ue_assistance_information configuration is set. With this configuration, ue_assistance_information configures release_preference in it. When release_preference is applied, RRC Inactive is performed according to the configuration set by rrc_inactive parameter.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 04

mme-ims-cn-assistance.cfg is configured as shown below.

In mme configuration, enable cn_assistance_info_support to make core network capable of triggering RRC Inactive state.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 05

ue-nr-uai-rrc-inactive.cfg is configured as shown below. (NOTE : If you are using the commercial UE as a DUT, you don't need this step. Just make it sure that your UE support UE-assistance-information for release-preference).

The key parameter on UEsim is to enable rrc_incative_support parameter. This parameter let UEsim to inform the supportability of rrc-inactive in UE capability information.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Config 06


Perform the Test

Start trace on gNB (Callbox)

NR SA UAI Test 1 Run 01

Power on UE on UEsim (If your DUT is a commercial phone, turn on the phone)

NR SA UAI Test 1 Run 02

Wait until the initial attach is complete.

Then, send the following remote API command at /root/ue/doc directory on UEsim to let UEsim send the specified ue-assistance-information message. (NOTE : If you are using a commercial UE as a DUT, it is up to you to figure out how to trigger the message).

./ws.js ue '{"message": "ue_assistance_information", "ue_id":1, "preferred_rrc_state": "inactive"}'

NR SA UAI Test 1 Run 03

Confirm that RRC State switches to [inactive] as soon as you send the ue-assistance-information message as shown below.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Run 04



Log Analysis

Following is the log snapshot that are involved in UE assistance information message and handling process.

Sample Log

First check if UE notifies its capability of supporting releasePreference UAI. You can confirm on it from nonCriticalExtension.powSav-Parameters IE in UE capability Information.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Add 01

When you run the remote API ./ws.js ue '{"message": "ue_assistance_information", "ue_id":1, "preferred_rrc_state": "inactive"}', UEsim is supposed to send UE assistance information with releasePreference.preferredRRC-State inactive.

NR SA UAI Test 1 Add 02

Once gNB (Callbox) recieves UE assistance information, it is expected to respond. In this case, it is expected to respond with rrcRelease with suspendConfig (i.e, RRC inactive).

NR SA UAI Test 1 Add 03




RRC / NAS Signaling


ueAssistanceInformation - preferredRRC State : inactive (SA)

: This is ueAssistanceInformation message from UE with preferred RRC State = inacative.


  message c1: ueAssistanceInformation: {

    criticalExtensions ueAssistanceInformation: {

      nonCriticalExtension {

        nonCriticalExtension {

          releasePreference-r16 {

            preferredRRC-State-r16 inactive





