
NR LPP (NR Positioning Protocol)

This tutorial is to show how to configure and test LPP. LPP stands for NR Positioning Protocol and it is a mechanism to facilitate the exchange of positioning information between the mobile device and the network. Conceptually in terms of the purpose LPP is similar to SUPL(Secure User Plane Location). Main differences from SUPL would be

NR LPP Overview 01

NOTE :Currently there are a couple of limitation in Amarisoft LPP

NOTE : LPP is supported since the release 2024-02-16


Table of Contents



Test Setup


Test setup for this tutorial is as shown below.  


Setup A

This is the setup where you use a commercial UE as DUT.

TestSetup Callbox UE 1sdr 01


Setup B

This is the setup where you use a commercial Amarisoft UEsim as DUT.

TestSetup Callbox UEsim 1sdr 01



Key Configuration Parameters

Followings are important configuration parameters for this tutorial. You may click on the items for the descriptions from Amarisoft documents.



I have used  gnb-sa.cfg on Callbox (gNB) as it is without any modification.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 01

I am using the  mme-ims-nr-lpp.cfg which is copied and modified from mme-ims.cfg

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 02

I have used  ue-nr-sa-lpp.cfg on UEsim which is copied and modified from ue-nr-sa.cfg.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 03

For eNB configuration, there is no specific parameters you need to set.  Just use gnb-sa.cfg without any modification.

Here TDD is used and Bandwidth is set to 20Mhz (NR_BANDWIDTH 20)

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 04

Specify dl_nr_earfcn as you want. A band 78 freuency is used in this test.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 05

In mme-ims-nr-lpp.cfg , In case where you want to use Amarisoft mme for the testing purpose without using external LMF, you can configure a test LMF with the parameter lmf_cfg.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 06


In ue-nr-sa-lpp.cfg , TDD is used and bandwidth is set to 20 Mhz (CELL_BANDWIDTH 20).

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 07

Configure ground_position_at_origin in cell_groups. This is required for the UEsim to respond to nr_location_req.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 07 01

UE configuration in ue_list is also used as in the default configuration.

NR LPP Test1 Configuration 09


Perform the test

Check out the cell configuration with the command 'cell phy and cell' command, and confirm that they are configured as intended.

NR LPP Test1 Run 01

Switch to (mme) screen and run 'nl1' command. Make it sure that the LCS connection state is 'state=connected'.

NR LPP Test1 Run 02

Power on a UE in UEsim

NR LPP Test1 Run 02 01

Make it sure that the initial attach is completed properly.

NR LPP Test1 Run 02 02

On Callbox, send the remote API command to send the command "lmf_client_connect" to connect an LMF client to the AMF server on the NL1 interface. Go to /root/mme directory on Callbox and run following Remote API command.

./ws.js mme '{"message": "lmf_client_connect"}'

[root@CBC-2023010100 mme]# ./ws.js mme '{"message": "lmf_client_connect"}'

WebSocket remote API tool version 2024-02-16, Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft

[0.003] ### Connected to

[0.004] ### Ready: name=MME, type=MME, version=2024-02-16

[0.024] <== Send message lmf_client_connect id#1

[0.035] ==> Message received


    "message": "lmf_client_connect",

    "message_id": "id#1",

    "time": 153.67,

    "utc": 1708232672.683


Once you receive the response to ""lmf_client_connect", send another command to setup LMF server subscription to the reception of LPP messages.

./ws.js mme '{"message": "lmf_ue_n1_n2_subscribe","supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001","n1_notify_cbk_uri":"lmf_n1_notif_cbk", "n2_notify_cbk_uri": "lmf_n2_notif_cbk"}'

[root@CBC-2023010100 mme]# ./ws.js mme '{"message": "lmf_ue_n1_n2_subscribe","supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001","n1_notify_cbk_uri":"lmf_n1_notif_cbk", "n2_notify_cbk_uri": "lmf_n2_notif_cbk"}'

WebSocket remote API tool version 2024-02-16, Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft

[0.004] ### Connected to

[0.004] ### Ready: name=MME, type=MME, version=2024-02-16

[0.024] <== Send message lmf_ue_n1_n2_subscribe id#1

[0.045] ==> Message received


    "message": "lmf_ue_n1_n2_subscribe",

    "message_id": "id#1",

    "time": 192.208,

    "utc": 1708232711.225


Now let's send the command "nr_location_req" to Initiate the location procedure for a target UE in the AMF.

./ws.js mme '{"message": "nr_location_req","supi": "imsi-001010123456789","pei": "imei-01234567000001"}''

[root@CBC-2023010100 mme]# ./ws.js mme '{"message": "nr_location_req","supi": "imsi-001010123456789","pei": "imei-01234567000001"}'

WebSocket remote API tool version 2024-02-16, Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft

[0.004] ### Connected to

[0.004] ### Ready: name=MME, type=MME, version=2024-02-16

[0.024] <== Send message nr_location_req id#1

[0.035] ==> Message received


    "message": "nr_location_req",

    "message_id": "id#1",

    "time": 229.742,

    "utc": 1708232748.754


Then send the command "lpp_request_location" to request the ecid report.

./ws.js mme '{"message": "lpp_request_location", "is_5gs": true, "supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001", "correlation_id": 0,"lpp_methods": ["ecid"],"report_type":"once"}'

[root@CBC-2023010100 mme]# ./ws.js mme '{"message": "lpp_request_location", "is_5gs": true, "supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001", "correlation_id": 0,"lpp_methods": ["ecid"],"report_type":"once"}'

WebSocket remote API tool version 2024-02-20, Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft

[0.005] ### Connected to

[0.006] ### Ready: name=MME, type=MME, version=2024-02-20

[0.026] <== Send message lpp_request_location id#1

[0.037] ==> Message received


    "message": "lpp_request_location",

    "message_id": "id#1",

    "time": 99.918,

    "utc": 1708526391.108


Then send the command "lpp_request_location" to request the gnss report.

./ws.js mme '{"message": "lpp_request_location", "is_5gs": true, "supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001", "correlation_id": 0,"lpp_methods": ["gnss"],"report_type":"once"}

[root@CBC-2023010100 mme]# ./ws.js mme '{"message": "lpp_request_location", "is_5gs": true, "supi": "imsi-001010123456789","imei": "01234567000001", "correlation_id": 0,"lpp_methods": ["gnss"],"report_type":"once"}'

WebSocket remote API tool version 2024-02-20, Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Amarisoft

[0.004] ### Connected to

[0.004] ### Ready: name=MME, type=MME, version=2024-02-20

[0.024] <== Send message lpp_request_location id#1

[0.045] ==> Message received


    "message": "lpp_request_location",

    "message_id": "id#1",

    "time": 117.039,

    "utc": 1708526408.223



Log Analysis

Sample Log

When you turn on gNB with mme configured with LMF, NL1 interface start listening.

NR LPP Test1 Log 01

Power on UE and wait until the initial registration gets completed.

NR LPP Test1 Log 02

When you send the RemoteAPI command lmf_client_connect, a sequence of HTTP transaction happens between AMF and LMF to establish the connection.

NR LPP Test1 Log 03

If you send "lmf_ue_n1_n2_subscribe" command, you will se a sequence of HTTP transaction as shown below.

NR LPP Test1 Log 04

This is the message sent by the LMF to the AMF to subscribe to UE N1/N2 messages notifications service (see 29.518 paragraph N1N2MessageSubscribe)

NR LPP Test1 Log 05

If you send "nr_location_req" command, you will se a sequence of HTTP transactions as shown below.

NR LPP Test1 Log 06

This is the message sent by the AMF to the LMF to start a location procedure (see 29.571 DetermineLocation)

NR LPP Test1 Log 07

This is the message sent by the LMF client to AMF(  containing a LPP message 'LPP requestCapabilities'

NR LPP Test1 Log 08

This is the same message received by the AMF server(5560).  LMF client( is the sender

NR LPP Test1 Log 09

If the sent message is properly processed by the reciever, you would see Status 200.

NR LPP Test1 Log 10

Then Core Network (AMF) send NAS message to UE to forward the LPP message received from the LMF.

NR LPP Test1 Log 11

Then UE send the response LPP provideCapabilities  to Core Network in UL NAS transport message.

NR LPP Test1 Log 12

This is the meassage sent by the AMF to the LMF to convey an uplink LPP message

NR LPP Test1 Log 13

This is the message sent by the LMF to the AMF to convey a LPP message

NR LPP Test1 Log 14

If the sent message is properly processed by the reciever, you would see the proper Status code.

NR LPP Test1 Log 15

 This is the same message received by the AMF server and  AMF Client( is the sender

NR LPP Test1 Log 16

If the sent message is properly processed by the reciever, you would see the proper Status code.

NR LPP Test1 Log 17

If you send "lpp_request_location" command for "ecid", you will se a sequence of NL1 transactions as shown below.

NR LPP Test1 Log 18

AMF sends LPP message.

NR LPP Test1 Log 19

Core Network send NAS message to UE that request Location Information.

NR LPP Test1 Log 20

UE send NAS message to Core Network that provides Location Information.

NR LPP Test1 Log 21

The core network transfer the message to LMF.

NR LPP Test1 Log 22

NR LPP Test1 Log 23

NR LPP Test1 Log 24

If you send "lpp_request_location" command for "gnss", you will se a sequence of NL1 transactions as shown below.

NR LPP Test1 Log 25

Core Network send a NAS message to UE that request Location Information.

NR LPP Test1 Log 25-1

UE send a NAS message to Core Network that provides Location Information.

NR LPP Test1 Log 26

Core Network transfer the message to LMF.

NR LPP Test1 Log 27



RRC / NAS Signaling


Downlink generic NAS transport /(requestCapability

Message: DL NAS transport


Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered)

Auth code = 0xb17aa1e2

Sequence number = 0x05

Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x68 (DL NAS transport)

Payload container type = 3 (NR Positioning Protocol (LPP) message container)

Payload container:


  transactionID {

    initiator locationServer,

    transactionNumber 1


  endTransaction FALSE,

  lpp-MessageBody c1: requestCapabilities: {

    criticalExtensions c1: requestCapabilities-r9: {

      commonIEsRequestCapabilities {

        lpp-message-segmentation-req-r14 '11'B


      a-gnss-RequestCapabilities {

        gnss-SupportListReq TRUE,

        assistanceDataSupportListReq TRUE,

        locationVelocityTypesReq TRUE


      otdoa-RequestCapabilities {


      ecid-RequestCapabilities {


      nr-ECID-RequestCapabilities-r16 {


      nr-DL-TDOA-RequestCapabilities-r16 {





Additional information:

  Length = 16

  Data = 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


Uplink generic NAS transport /(provideCapability)

Message: UL NAS transport


Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered)

Auth code = 0x40293af6

Sequence number = 0x04

Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x67 (UL NAS transport)

Payload container type = 3 (NR Positioning Protocol (LPP) message container)

Payload container:


  transactionID {

    initiator locationServer,

    transactionNumber 1


  endTransaction TRUE,

  sequenceNumber 0,

  acknowledgement {

    ackRequested TRUE


  lpp-MessageBody c1: provideCapabilities: {

    criticalExtensions c1: provideCapabilities-r9: {

      commonIEsProvideCapabilities {

        segmentationInfo-r14 noMoreMessages,

        lpp-message-segmentation-r14 '10'B


      a-gnss-ProvideCapabilities {

        gnss-SupportList {


            gnss-ID {

              gnss-id gps


            agnss-Modes {

              posModes '100'B


            gnss-Signals {

              gnss-SignalIDs 'FF'H


            adr-Support FALSE,

            velocityMeasurementSupport FALSE



        locationCoordinateTypes {

          ellipsoidPoint TRUE,

          ellipsoidPointWithUncertaintyCircle FALSE,

          ellipsoidPointWithUncertaintyEllipse FALSE,

          polygon FALSE,

          ellipsoidPointWithAltitude TRUE,

          ellipsoidPointWithAltitudeAndUncertaintyEllipsoid FALSE,

          ellipsoidArc FALSE



      nr-ECID-ProvideCapabilities-r16 {

        nr-ECID-MeasSupported-r16 '3'H,

        periodicalReporting-r16 supported,

        triggeredReporting-r16 supported


      nr-DL-TDOA-ProvideCapabilities-r16 {

        nr-DL-TDOA-Mode-r16 {

          posModes '001'B


        nr-DL-TDOA-PRS-Capability-r16 {

          maxNrOfDL-PRS-ResourceSetPerTrpPerFrequencyLayer-r16 1,

          maxNrOfTRP-AcrossFreqs-r16 n4,

          maxNrOfPosLayer-r16 1,

          dl-PRS-ResourcesCapabilityBandList-r16 {


              freqBandIndicatorNR-r16 78,

              maxNrOfDL-PRS-ResourcesPerResourceSet-r16 n1,

              maxNrOfDL-PRS-ResourcesPerPositioningFrequencylayer-r16 n6



          dl-PRS-ResourcesBandCombinationList-r16 {


              bandList-r16 {



              maxNrOfDL-PRS-ResourcesAcrossAllFL-TRP-ResourceSet-r16 fr1-Only-r16: n6




        nr-DL-TDOA-MeasurementCapability-r16 {

          dl-RSTD-MeasurementPerPairOfTRP-FR1-r16 1,

          dl-RSTD-MeasurementPerPairOfTRP-FR2-r16 1,

          supportOfDL-PRS-RSRP-MeasFR1-r16 supported,

          supportOfDL-PRS-RSRP-MeasFR2-r16 supported


        nr-DL-PRS-QCL-ProcessingCapability-r16 {

          dl-PRS-QCL-ProcessingCapabilityBandList-r16 {


              freqBandIndicatorNR-r16 78




        nr-DL-PRS-ProcessingCapability-r16 {

          prs-ProcessingCapabilityBandList-r16 {


              freqBandIndicatorNR-r16 78,

              supportedBandwidthPRS-r16 fr1: mhz100,

              dl-PRS-BufferType-r16 type1,

              durationOfPRS-Processing-r16 {

                durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbols-r16 n1,

                durationOfPRS-ProcessingSymbolsInEveryTms-r16 n8


              maxNumOfDL-PRS-ResProcessedPerSlot-r16 {




          maxSupportedFreqLayers-r16 1


        periodicalReporting-r16 {

          posModes '001'B






Additional information:

  Length = 16

  Data = 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


Downlink generic NAS transport /(requesting LocationInformation-ecid)

Message: DL NAS transport


Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered)

Auth code = 0xe4f31a0b

Sequence number = 0x08

Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x68 (DL NAS transport)

Payload container type = 3 (LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) message container)

Payload container:


  transactionID {

    initiator locationServer,

    transactionNumber 1


  endTransaction FALSE,

  lpp-MessageBody c1: requestLocationInformation: {

    criticalExtensions c1: requestLocationInformation-r9: {

      commonIEsRequestLocationInformation {

        locationInformationType locationMeasurementsRequired,

        qos {

          verticalCoordinateRequest FALSE,

          responseTime {

            time 3,

            responseTimeEarlyFix-r12 1


          velocityRequest FALSE


        segmentationInfo-r14 noMoreMessages


      ecid-RequestLocationInformation {

        requestedMeasurements '111'B





Additional information:

  Length = 16

  Data = 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30


Uplink generic NAS transport /(providing LocationInformation-ecid)

Message: UL NAS transport

Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x2 (Integrity protected and ciphered)

Auth code = 0x5aad91e9

Sequence number = 0x06

Protocol discriminator = 0x7e (5GS Mobility Management)

Security header = 0x0 (Plain 5GS NAS message, not security protected)

Message type = 0x67 (UL NAS transport)

Payload container type = 3 (LTE Positioning Protocol (LPP) message container)

Payload container:


  transactionID {

    initiator locationServer,

    transactionNumber 1


  endTransaction TRUE,

  sequenceNumber 0,

  acknowledgement {

    ackRequested TRUE


  lpp-MessageBody c1: provideLocationInformation: {

    criticalExtensions c1: provideLocationInformation-r9: {

      ecid-ProvideLocationInformation {

        ecid-SignalMeasurementInformation {

          measuredResultsList {


              physCellId 0,

              arfcnEUTRA 0








Additional information:

  Length = 16

  Data = 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30